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Sophisticated readers understood the book's hidden meaning.

Sophie: Wow, that sounds good. 苏菲:啊,听上去很不错呢。
Sophisticated browsers and technologies like LAMP or AJAX—not neon lights or Greek heroes but simple building blocks that enable people to produce and distribute content—are critical in this new world. 通过成熟的浏览器与类似LAMP、AJAX的技术,而非氖气灯或者希腊英雄,搭建供用户创造、传播内容的平台,这足以震惊世界。
Sophisticated digital hearing systems have programmable options that automatically adjust the amplification of sound for various listening environments—such as a one-to-one conversation or dinner in a crowded restaurant. 性能卓越的数字助听系统具有可编程选项,在不同的聆听环境中自动调节声音的放大量—比如在一对一的谈话环境或在嘈杂的饭馆中享用晚餐的环境。
Sophisticated financing options have been developed using a blend of project finance and Export Credit Agency funding to provide a minimum of 10 to 15-year finance packages to generate the equivalent of 100% of the contract value. 使用多个项目融资与出口信用机构基金开发完善的财务选择,提供最少10年到15年的财务计划以产生100%的合同价值。
Sophisticated pricing methods once used only in the airline and hotel industries have started to migrate into other sectors. 某些复杂的定价方法只在航空业和酒店业才采用,但现在它们已开始进入其它产业。
Sophisticated readers understood the book's hidden meaning. 老练的读者理解了这本书隐含的含义。
Sophocles (495-405 BC), was a giant of the golden age of Greek civilisation, a dramatist who work alongside and competed with Aeschylus, Euripides and Aristophanes. 索福柯勒斯(公元前495--405),希腊文明黄金时代的一位巨人,戏剧家,他与埃斯库罗斯、欧里庇得斯和阿里斯托芬一起创作并相互竞争。
Sophocles has had a strong impact on European literature.The Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud ’s term “ the Oedipus complex ” was derived from Sophocles's play. 索福克勒斯对欧洲文学影响深远。著名的奥地利精神病学家、精神分析创始人弗洛伊德的专业术语“恋母情节”就源于索福克勒斯的戏剧。
Sophocles wrote such tragic plays as Oedipus the king,Electra ,and Antigone .He contributed greatly to tragic art.He added a third actor and decreased the size of the chorus. 索福克勒斯对悲剧艺术做出了重要贡献,代表作有《俄狄浦斯王》、《伊莱克特拉》和《安提戈涅》。
Sophocles, Antigone. Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail. 2索佛克里斯《安提冈尼》,马丁路德金《伯明翰监狱来鸿》。
Sophora alopecuroides mainly distributes in the desert regions of Northwest China as a highly adversity-resistant perennial officinal plant. 摘要苦豆子主要分布在我国西北沙漠地区,是一种抗逆性极强的豆科多年生药用植物。

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