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Senate majority leader Harry Reid is not giving up.

Senate Democrats are calling for a perjury investigation against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales over his testimony about the firings of 8 US attorneys. 民主党参议员要求对总律师刚萨雷斯对八位被解雇律师的证词进行伪证调查。
Senate Democrats are planning to pull a rare all-nighter, as they try to convince President Bush and Senate Republicans to change course in Iraq and bring troops home this fall. 民主党参议员们计划通宵工作,试图使布什总统和共和党参议员改变伊拉克的进程,今秋撤军。
Senate Democrats joined by some Republicans complain that the renewal legislation still gives the government too much power to investigate people's private records using such tools as National Security Letters, administrative procedures that bypass the ne 参议院民主党人及一些共和党人报怨说,更新后的立法仍旧给政府过多的权力用于调查人们的私人记录,利用诸如国安调查令绕过必要的管理程序而获得法官的传票等手段。
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have also joined in calling reported details of key scenes false and misleading. 两院少数党领袖也形容该剧的一些关键情节是虚假的和具有误导性的。
Senate democrats are planning to pull a rare all-nighter as they tried to convince President Bush and Senate Republics to change course in Iraq and bring troops home this fall. 参议院的民主党人计划举行一场罕见的通宵活动(这个表述好奇怪),试图说服布什总统和参议院的共和党人改变对伊进程,并于秋天撤军。
Senate majority leader Harry Reid is not giving up. 参议院多数党领袖哈得雷德仍未放弃。
Senate supporters of putting trade with China on a permanent status kept their momentum going Tuesday, defeating more amendments they said could seriously jeopardize passage of the legislation this year. 支持给予中国永久贸易地位的美国参议员周二火力持续增强,再度否决多项他们声称可能严重威胁将于今年立法通过此贸易关系的修正案。
Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent. 参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。
Senator Claire McCaskill, the newly elected Democrat from Missouri and one of 16 women in the Senate, seemed a bit in awe after taking the oath of office on Thursday afternoon. 新当选的密苏里州参议员克莱尔是参议院中16名女性议员之一,周二下午宣誓就职后她看起来心存敬畏(注10)。
Senator Hillary Clinton says she takes responsibility for voting to authorize the war in Iraq. 希拉里·克林顿议员表示,就投票支持伊拉克战争一事,她确实有责任。
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton takes a new tack in Iowa State. 参议员希拉蕊克林顿在爱荷华州采取新策略。

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