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Take two of the tablets three times daily before meals.
每日三次, 每次两片, 饭前服用.

Take tome to work, it is the stepstone of success. 花时间工作吧,那是成功之阶石。
Take traditional operate, make friends all over the world, use medicine make friends, credit standing all over the world. 以传统的经营,广交天下朋友,以药会友,信誉全球。
Take trample, split, elbow and push as the main movements with ward off, deflect, shove and press as subsidiary. 练习二路拳时要求:手领、身随、步法活,根稳、劲整、精神足。
Take turns to offer each other the food in Part 2 in pairs. 两人一组,轮流请对方吃第二部分列出的食物。
Take turns to offer each other the foods in Part 2 in pairs. 两人一组,轮流请对方吃,第二部分中出现的食物。
Take two of the tablets three times daily before meals. 每日三次, 每次两片, 饭前服用.
Take two of the tablets three times daily before meals. 每天三次,一次两片药片,饭前服用.
Take two of these twice a day. 吃这两种每天两次。
Take two pills and have a good rest. 吃两片药,好好休息一下。
Take two pills at a time. 一次吃两粒药。
Take two regulars, mix them together and let them stew. 挑两个常客,将他们搅拌,再用慢火炖。

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