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The Point-to-Point Protocol, an IETF standard, which manage the dial-up link.

The Pleiadians assured me that they would not dictate the book to me and that I would have to pull it together through my own process. 昴宿星人保证了他们不对我口授这本书而且我会必须透过我自己的程序一起互动它。
The Pleiadians, in their natal chart for that day of infusion, have a sun in Taurus at 27 degrees 57 minutes. 昴宿星人,在那天灌输他们的产生的图解,在27度57分的金牛座有一个太阳。
The Plum blossom is our school flower, Green is our school's color. 绿色是我们的校色,梅花是我们的校花。
The Poet Laureateship and the Poetry and Literature Program at the Library of Congress, for example, are funded wholly by private endowments, and to support its other programs the Library works hard to secure private support. 例如,国会图书馆里桂冠诗人这个职位以及诗与文学的计划,都是靠私人捐助的钱来维持,而为了支持其它计划,图书馆也努力争取私人的捐助。
The Poetry-Reciting Pavilion(Xingyinge) is in memory of Qu Yuan, an ancient Chinese Poet. 行吟阁是为纪念著名古代诗人屈原而建。
The Point-to-Point Protocol, an IETF standard, which manage the dial-up link. 点对点协议:IETF的一种标准,用来管理拨号连接。
The Points of Light Foundation, initiator of the program, believes that the memorial will help promote the spirit of volunteerism among visitors who walk along the pathway. 发起这项计画的美国光明基金会相信,这个纪念物将有助于提升走过这条义工之路的游客内心的义工精神。
The Polar Bear Specialist Group of the World Conservation Union, based in Gland, Switzerland, has estimated the polar bear population in the Arctic is about 20,000 to 25,000, put at risk by melting sea ice, pollution, hunting, development and even tourism 总部位于瑞士的世界保护组织的北极熊专家团预计北极大约有2万到2万5000只北极熊,现在由于海洋冰川,污染,捕猎,开发和旅游,已经面临危险的处境.
The Pole replaced Pepe Reina in goal for the quarter-final tie, which ended 6-3. 四分之一决赛中,波兰人顶替佩佩·雷纳首发出场,最终3-6失利。
The Poles find Russian nostalgia for the Soviet empire not just baffling, but worrying. 而当波兰人面对俄国人对苏俄帝国的旧梦怀念时,所拥有的就不仅仅只是厌烦而是担忧了。
The Police Association takes a much different view. 警察工会的立场则完全不同。

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