As was the case in Hong Kong, investors throughout the region were worried about the possibility of significant capital outflows in an environment of rising US$ interest rates: large cap stocks in the comparatively illiquid stockmarkets of Thailand and Ma
与本港的情况相若,区内的投资者忧虑美元利率上升可能导致大量资金外流:在流通性相对偏低的泰国及马来西亚股市,大型股的估价显著下挫。 |
As was the fashion at the time, he went to a boarding school and came home only on Sundays.
按当时流行的习俗,建国上了一所寄宿学校,只在周末回家。 |
As was widely expected, the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee lifted the Federal Funds rate by 0.25% to 2.50% at the very beginning of February.
诚如市场普遍预期,美国联储局公开市场委员会在2月初调高联邦基金利率0.25%至2.50%。 |
As water is to fish so is air to man.
水之于鱼就像空气之于人。 |
As water journeys down toward the magma (molten rock) under the Earth, it begins to dissolve gold atoms from the nearby rocks.
在水流经地下的岩浆(熔化的岩石)时会从附近的岩石中溶解金原子。 |
As we all know from our frequent visits to Madame Pomfrey's infirmary, magic can treat a variety of ailments and injuries in a manner far beyond our medical technology.
从我们频繁的对庞弗雷夫人医务室的拜访,我们知道了,魔法能通过一种与我们的医学技术相差很远的方式来治疗多种疾病和伤害。 |
As we all know in history of mankind there appeared the Mesopotamian civilization in West Asia, the ancient Egyptian civilization along the Nile in North Africa, the ancient Greek-Roman civilization along the northern bank of the Mediterranean, the ancien
大家知道,在人类发展史上曾经出现过西亚两河流域的巴比伦文明,北非尼罗河流域的古埃及文明,地中海北岸的古希腊和罗马文明,南亚的印度河流域的古文明,还有就是发源于黄河、长江流域的中华文明。 |
As we all know learning is vital to one's growing-up.
每个人都知道,学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。 |
As we all know that has no harm to human, whereas it can accelerate for sleeping.
对人体无害性早已众所周知,反之有促进睡眠的作用。 |
As we all know, China is in the midst of great social and economic change with rapid urbanization, expanding industrialization, and the vast movement of migrant populations from rural communities to big cities.
众所周知,中国正经历着快速的社会和经济变革,城市化进程不断加快,工业程度不断提高,大量农村人口涌向城市。 |
As we all know, besides the fair tales by the Green brothers, Denmark is famous for its animal husbandry. It has accumulated much experiences in this field.
众所周知,丹麦除了从小伴随我们成长的格林童话之外,畜牧业也是相当发达的,作为发达国家在这方面积累了相当多的经验。 |