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Loves the versatile god, my life host, I am willing honestly to decline with thanks was really said you, asks you to clean my all contamination, causes me to become holily, rescues my soul to enter you the heaven which prepares for us, presents advocates

Love is something far more than desire for *ual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness that afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.Says Bertrand Russell. 伯特兰·罗素说:“爱情不只是有性欲望,男男女女的一生中都要遭受孤独,而爱情是远离孤独的最好方法。”
Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness that afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.Says Bertrand Russell. 伯特兰·罗素说:“爱情不只是有性欲望,男男女女的一生中都要遭受孤独,而爱情是远离孤独的最好方法。”
Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable. 爱是世界上最强有力的力量,同时也是最卑下的想像。
Love made me,says the inscription on the gates of Hell. How is Hell an expression of divine Love? 地狱门上的题字是「因爱而生」。地狱怎麽藉由神圣的爱表示?
Love, thou art absolute sole Lord of life and death. “爱,你是生与死的至高无上的唯一君主。”
Loves the versatile god, my life host, I am willing honestly to decline with thanks was really said you, asks you to clean my all contamination, causes me to become holily, rescues my soul to enter you the heaven which prepares for us, presents advocates “慈爱全能的神、我生命的主,我愿诚心领受你的真道,求你洗净我的一切污秽,使我成为圣洁,救我灵魂进入你为我们预备的天国,奉主耶稣基督圣名,阿们!”
Lower taxesis their cry. 降税是他们的口号。
Luca hasn't spoken to anyone, this I can guarantee. The market has only just closed and yet there's gossip in the press about transfers. 我可以保证,卢卡还没有与任何人交谈过.转会市场已经关闭,而这些只是关于转会的小道消息.
Luckily, we've got the experience and the strength in the team to be able to do that and it's helped us on many occasions. “即使当我们在联赛中落后了,我们能够改变这个不利的现状,并且在赛季末段紧随其后,并追回一些分数。”
Luggagemeans any article or vehicle shipped by the carrier under the contract of carriage of passengers by sea, with the exception of live animals. (四)“行李”,是指根据海上旅客运输合同由承运人载运的任何物品和车辆,但是活动物除外。
Luring the Tiger Out of the Mountains The tiger is a ferocious animal, who lives in the mountains. 如果用计策引诱老虎离开深山,人们就比较容易制服它了。

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