The original strategy of Microsoft in China was indeed like how the Planning Committee put it: sales of its products only, no joint venture, no cooperation, and no technology assignment either.
微软在中国最初的策略正如国家计委所说,只卖产品,不做合资,不搞合作,也不转让技术。 |
The original system with both input and state time delays was first rewritten into a form without any time delays by a nonsingular linear transformation.
为了简化变结构控制器的设计,首先通过非奇异线性变换将含状态时滞和输入时滞的线性系统化为无时滞系统。 |
The original title to this episode was Useless Cats.
本集最初的名字是没用的猫. |
The original value, accumulated depreciation and net value of fixed assets shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement.
固定资产的原值、累计折旧和净值,应当在会计报表中分别列示。 |
The original was all her own—her own happy thoughts and gentle diction.
原信全是她写的,她的巧妙构思,她的文雅措词。 |
The original writer is not he who does not imitate others, but he who can be imitated by none.
富有创见的作者并非不模仿别人,而是不能被别人模仿。因为创见总是已经创造了一些新的东西,而这些真正新的东西只属于本人,不属于别人。 |
The original writings of the Old and New Testaments, namely, the present sixty-six volumes of the Scriptures, are infallible and unique in their divine inspiration, authority and sufficiency.
原文新旧约,即现在采用之六十六卷圣经,在默示、权柄及完全性方面是独一无二,绝对无误的。 |
The originality of his humor made everyone laugh.
他别具一格的幽默逗得大家开怀大笑。 |
The originals of this poem is unknown.
这首诗出处不详。 |
The origination and the development of the literary discourse, especially the form of the literature, are closely related to the historical and the social conditions.
在伊格尔顿看来,现代文学话语是一种意识形态话语体系,它的生成及转变与西方社会和历史的变化有着内在的社会关联,这种关联不是体现在文学内容上,而是体现在文学形式上。 |
The origination of our factory can be traced back to the end of 80th.
本厂始创于20世纪八十年代末,专业从事硅酮胶包装瓶的研发、生产、销售。 |