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This isn't a ghost story, but is more bizarre and terrifying than any ghost story in the world.

This island was a perfect place to convalesce, given that it was the stresses of city life that had brought on his illness. (conj. 这个岛绝对是他养病的好地方。尤其是城市生活所带来的疾病。
This isn't Paris's first motoring mishap - in June she was involved in a shunt when her Range-Rover backed into a car after a shopping trip. 这不是帕丽斯的第一次驾车违章,六月,她曾卷入到另一起事故中,当时她购物回来倒车时撞上了另一辆车。
This isn't a Buddhist temple. 韩佳:这可不是寺庙。
This isn't a challenge to law firm associates. 这不是对律师从业人员的一个挑战。
This isn't a fast train, is it? 这不是一辆快车,是吗?
This isn't a ghost story, but is more bizarre and terrifying than any ghost story in the world. 这不是鬼故事,却比世上任何鬼故事都离奇可怖。
This isn't a pervasive problem by any means, but it does rear its head from time to time. 无论如何,这不是一个遍布的问题,但是它确实时而出现。
This isn't always easy, though. 有这么大的国际人口居住在此地。
This isn't any ordinary fish. 这不是一种普通的鱼。
This isn't life, mademoiselle. Your compulsion prevents you from seeing the difference. 这与生命无关,小姐。这是生意。你的冲动妨碍了你辨明这两者之间的差异。
This isn't materially different from the old system. 这和旧制度并无很大不同.

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