You could not speak in this way unless you want to break off with you friends.
除非你想要断绝和你朋友的关系,否则你决不会以这种方式说话. |
You could now call them the Spice Mums.
昔日的辣妹如今可被称爲“辣妈”了。 |
You could offer a prototype service or product at an earlier date.
你可以在早期提供服务和产品的模型。 |
You could pass these exams as long as try your best.
只要你努力,就能通过这些考试。 |
You could possibly verify what you see with a telescope after you are finished.
你或者可以在完成之后用望远镜检验你所看见之事。 |
You could put the rubbish in the garbage bin.
你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。 |
You could put the rubbish into the trash can.
你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。 |
You could rebuild your entire life in a day.
一天之内就能重建你的一生。 |
You could rest on us for our careful and prompt attention to your order.
您可以放心,我们将非常认真和准时地处理您的订单。 |
You could save a lot of memory by packing decimal digits.
你可以借助于压缩十进制数字的方法来节省大量的存储单元。 |
You could save the path items as needed, and simply go through the whole list each time you need to find the lowest F cost square.
你可以保存所需的路径项目,每次当你需要找到最小F值的方块时,简单的遍历整个列表。 |