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As seen in the character select screen above, 1P has 4 playable characters and 0 strikers, while 2P has 1 playable character and 3 strikers.

As s matter of fact, I've never been to that place. 事实上,我还从未去过那个地方.
As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: but mine hand shall not be upon thee. 13古人有句俗语说,恶事出于恶人。我却不亲手加害于你。
As same quality we will compete the price, as same price we will compete the service, we will always take the contract and prestige as first. 同等质量比价格,同等价格比质量,同质同量比服务,守合同,重信誉。
As secretary here, you'll assist me in my daily routine, dealing with correspondence and teaming up with people in the office for a smooth operation. 作为这儿的秘书,你要协助我处理一些日常事务,处理来往信函,并与办公室同事和睦相处。
As securities and markets have steadily taken the place of old-style bank managers, the number of potential investors has grown and the cost of capital has fallen. 随着证券和市场稳步替代了旧式的银行管理层,潜在的投资者人数随之增加,而资本成本得以下降。
As seen in the character select screen above, 1P has 4 playable characters and 0 strikers, while 2P has 1 playable character and 3 strikers. 如上图所示,主机有4个游戏角色没有援护,副机却有一个游戏角色和三个援护。
As seen on ultrasound, CT and MRI, pancreatic carcinoma typically presents as a focally enlarged mass in the pancreas and/or dilatation of the main pancreatic duct. 摘要在超音波,电脑断层,及磁振造影的检查,胰脏癌典型的表现是局部变大之肿块,可能伴随有胰管变粗。
As seen(?) they were probably shot dead after lying on the ground. 经观察,他们可能是在躺倒后被开枪打死的。
As seen(?)/ As the scene shows, they were probably shot dead after lying down on the ground. 经观察,他们可能是在躺倒后被开枪打死的。
As set forth, he was a changed man from that moment. 如前所述,自那时起他就变成了另外一个人。
As sewage systems are also flooded by the influx of seawater, this compounds the problem. 由于污水处理系统也灌满了涌入的海水,这一问题更加严重。

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