The most expensive grade : 350 million dollars Jennifer López is the butt López, her own hip bought 100 million U.S. dollars of insurance, insurance for 250 million buttocks, She buttocks of the total insured staggering 350 million dollars. |
中文意思: 又是洛佩兹,她为自己的髋部买下1亿美元的保险,同时为臀部投保2.5亿,她在臀部的总计投保达到惊人的3.5亿美金。 |
The most exciting moment of the day, our regular Pahang Gold had been found and scanned.
一天最兴奋的一刻是找到我们的常客,彭亨金金底过背。 |
The most exciting scene may be the birthday party held in dorm.
(最令人兴奋的是在宿舍为某人过生日。) |
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere, which is so common in nowadays socialty. I wonder if human beings are primarily altruistic or selfish.
(生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事是弄虚作假,然而这在当今的社会却是比比皆是。让我开始怀疑人性究竟是本善还是自私?) |
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.
生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事是装虚作假。 |
The most expensive face : 50 million dollars Jennifer López face in January 2007 Forbesmagazine one ranking Jennifer López Hollywood history as the richest Latino, her face insured reached 50 million U.S. dollars.
2007年1月《福布斯》杂志的一项排名,珍妮弗·洛佩兹成为好莱坞历史上最富有的拉丁裔人士,她的脸投保达到5000万美元。 |
The most expensive grade : 350 million dollars Jennifer López is the butt López, her own hip bought 100 million U.S. dollars of insurance, insurance for 250 million buttocks, She buttocks of the total insured staggering 350 million dollars.
又是洛佩兹,她为自己的髋部买下1亿美元的保险,同时为臀部投保2.5亿,她在臀部的总计投保达到惊人的3.5亿美金。 |
The most expensive single gift Bush received was the shotgun with accessory toolsfrom Roy Weatherby Jr. of California.
布什收到的最昂贵的礼物是一支猎枪及其“附属部件”,由加利福尼亚州的罗伊·小卫斯比赠送。 |
The most extensive overview of the international menswear designer collections. Large format photos show fabric detail and accessories. 6 issues per year, 4 collections men, 2 collections trend visual map.
把巴黎,米兰和佛罗伦萨等地的最新男装发布会根据不同国家分集刊登。每位设计师或品牌独立篇幅,印刷精美。提前半年为您预测下一季的流行趋势。 |
The most extreme example of migration, however, is probably provided by a genetic variability in our sense of taste.
然而散播得最广、最远的例子,可能是我们味觉的变异。 |
The most famous case of this is the large dinosaurs that disappeared by the end of the Cretaceous,he said.
最有名的是大型恐龙在白垩纪晚期消失的例子。” |
The most famous dishes include Yuxiang shredded pork, spiced chicken, Ma-po (spicy) bean curd, and hot-sour soup.
现在川菜的品种约有三千多个,其中主要名菜有怪味鸡、鱼香肉丝、麻婆豆腐等,还有开胃的酸辣汤等。 |