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The six methods of body movement is a practice to make ourself leave opponent's attacking line. Lee sensei put great emphasis on this. All Aikido waza start with body movement.

The six knead head of cushion, divide into two kinds: soft type and stimulating type; It can automatic regulation pinch height of head according to human back's contours, make every of your back can intimate contact head. 该靠垫的六个揉捏头,分柔和型和刺激型两种:它可根据人体背部曲线,自动调节捏头的高度,使您的腰背各部均能感受到揉捏头的亲密接触。
The six leading U.S. banks have since shed $48 billion, one-tenth of their market capitalization. 美国排名前6位的银行市值已下趺480亿美元,相当于其总市值的1/10。
The six major American ports affected are Baltimore, Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia. 这次收购行动涉及的六个重要港口分别是巴尔的摩、迈阿密、新泽西、新奥尔良、纽约和费城。
The six men were killed when the armoured vehicle in which they were traveling hit a mine about 1.30 p.m. Kandahar time on Easter Sunday. 复活节星期天坎大哈时间下午1.30左右六名加拿大士兵牺牲,他们的装甲车碰到地雷。
The six methods are as follows: the supperposition method, the state space method, the complex mode method, the direct integral method, the numerical method for solving the initial-value problem of first-order ordinary differential coupled equations with 这六种方法是:振型叠加法、状态空间法、复模态法、直接积分法、一阶常微分方程组初值问题的数值解法和时域有限元法。
The six methods of body movement is a practice to make ourself leave opponent's attacking line. Lee sensei put great emphasis on this. All Aikido waza start with body movement. 六步身法是李君亮老师教学时一定会强调的练习,主要是基于合气道技法在操作时必需要离开攻击线.所有的合气道技法都是由身法开始,没有身法就没有技法.
The six most populous countries-China, India, the US, Indonesia, Brazil and Parkistan-contain between them 3.3 billion inhabitants. 人口最多的六个国家─中国、印度、美国、印尼、巴西和巴基斯坦─加起来具有三十三亿住民。
The six new civilizations include the Carthaginians, the Vikings, the Koreans, the Celts, the Ottomans and the Zulu. 这六种新的文明包括了:迦太基,维京,朝鲜,凯尔特,土耳其,祖鲁。
The six official languages of the United Nations are :English ,French ,Arabic ,Chinese Russian and Spanish. 联合国的六种官方语言分别是:英语、法语、阿拉伯语、汉语、俄语和西班牙语。
The six open cities, the economic and technological development zones, and the frontier economic cooperation zones in Xinjiang have made great achievements in construction and investment solicitation. 新疆六个开放城市和经济技术开发区、边境经济合作区各方面的建设和招商引资都取得重大成果。
The six platoons of bubbles might lose down at the same time, therefore, Garfield has to run here and there, jump up and down to get them. 泡沫的六个排同时可能失去下来,因此,加菲尔德必须各处跑,上下地跳跃拿他们。

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