In this video you will see how a cow is separated from the herd. |
中文意思: 藉由这部影片的内容,您可以看到如何将一只牛与牛群分开。 |
In this verse, it talks about psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
在这个经文里,说到了诗章,颂词,和灵歌。 |
In this verse, the prophet Isaiah gave God's people a promise.
但以上读的圣经,是神的先知以赛亚带给神子民的一个应许。 |
In this version, some conversions are made to the verbs and adverbs in the conversation.
该版本中,会话中的动词和副词作了一些转换. |
In this version, the group is invited, under false pretenses, to an isolated hotel in the Iranian desert.
在这个影片当中,一群朋友被邀请到一个在伊朗沙漠中的一间孤立的旅馆。 |
In this very special afternoon, we're all here gathered to celebrate the Graduation of our dear Pre School students. Indeed, a year has passed so quickly.
在今天这个特殊的下午,我们欢聚一堂共同庆祝幼儿园的毕业典礼.当然,一年的时间过得很快. |
In this video you will see how a cow is separated from the herd.
藉由这部影片的内容,您可以看到如何将一只牛与牛群分开。 |
In this view you may edit the data directly in the list.
你可以直接编辑列表中的数据。 |
In this view, each human being is an array of appetites and aversions, continuously stimulated into existence by sensory events, and continually changing in character, so that there is no overall aim for human action over the course of a lifetime - no suc
从这个观点来看,人类是欲望和厌恶大拼盘,只凭藉感官上的持续刺激而存活,个性也不断转变,即在行为上一辈子都无贯彻到底的目标,也没有所谓的「至善」,更没所谓人类为迎合本性而试著去达到目标之说。 |
In this view, it is held both religiously and scientifically correct to reinterpret ancient religious texts in line with modern-day scientific findings about evolution.
按此观点,既持宗教又持科学观用现代进化的发现正确的字面解释古老宗教文献。 |
In this view, oxygen-detesting methanogens reigned supreme during the first two billion years of Earth's history, and the greenhouse effect of the methane they produced had profound consequences for climate.
据此推测,厌氧的产甲烷菌曾称霸地球历史的最初20亿年,它们产生的甲烷所产生的温室效应,对当时的气候有举足轻重的影响。 |
In this view, social entrepreneurship is not so much about pattern-breaking change, but about pattern-breaking individuals.
从这个角度说,社会企业家不是关于模式突破而带来的变化,而更多的是关于突破这些模式的个人。 |