Modern human resources management practice has a duel heritage coming out of scientific management and the notion of personnel work as improving the welfare of employees.
现代人力资源管理的运用同时传承了科学管理和着眼于改进员工福利的人事工作理念这两种管理方法。 |
Modern ideal revolution firstly decided the limitation of cognitive ability of government, which proved the limitation of governmental power and governmental functions; Meanwhile, modern politics and law practice decided that government in essence should
近现代以来的观念变革首先从认识论上设定了政府认知能力的有限性,从而证成了政府职能与政府权力的有限性;同时,近现代以来的政治与法律实践决定了政府在本质上必须是民主政府与法治政府,前者从政治的角度决定了政府行为能力的有限性,后者从法律的角度决定了政府行动领域的有限性。 |
Modern industrial and agricultural production must rely on it.
现代的工农业生产要靠电。 |
Modern industrial development has almost destroyed the natural environment in some way, which the humans must rely on.
在某种程度上,现代工业的发展几乎已经摧毁了人类赖以生存的自然环境。 |
Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible.
现代工业的基本概念是:以最低成本获取最多产品,为的是让某个个人或某一部分人尽可能多地赚钱。 |
Modern information should be instructive. Modern information should have cultural value. Modern information should be truthful. Modern information should communicate.
现代信息,要能具备教育的功能;现代信息,要能富含文化的价值;现代信息,要能表达事实的真象;现代信息,要能促进人类的交流。 |
Modern irrigation methods, such as sprinkler, drip, micro-sprinkler have d ifficulties in use, both technically and/or economically while surface irrigatio n methods will reminder the main ways of water application in field for years to come.
现代灌溉技术如喷灌、滴灌、微灌等无论是在技术上还是在经济上都很难在这里得到应用,地面灌溉方式在近期内仍将是主要的灌溉方式。 |
Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 |
Modern judicial review principle, supported by natural justice principle and due process principle, requires that any person is not to be deprived of life or freedom, be inflicted upon other punishment, or be arrested, detained or imposed on other compuls
摘要现代司法审查原则以自然正义原则和正当程序原则为支撑,要求未经法院的司法审查,任何人不得被剥夺生命、自由或者科处其他刑罚;未经法院审查,不得对公民实施逮捕、羁押等强制措施以及其他强制性侦查措施。 |
Modern linguists consider the metrical hymns of the Rigveda Samhita to be the earliest, composed by many authors over centuries of oral tradition.
现代语言学家认为梨俱吠陀的《吠陀本集》韵律般的诗是更早期的,是由很多作者经过上百年来的口头传统集结而成。 |
Modern locomotives are generally internal combustion engines or electrical engines.
现代火车头一般是内燃机车或电气机车。 |