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NASB:For Jeremiah had come into the dungeon, that is, the vaulted cell; and Jeremiah stayed there many days.

NASB:But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father. 和合本:但你们知道提摩太的明证、他兴旺福音与我同劳、待我像儿子待父亲一样。
NASB:Departing from there, He went into their synagogue. 吕震中本:耶稣离开那里,进了他们的会堂。
NASB:Does a bird fall into a trap on the ground when there is no bait in it? 和合本:若没有机槛、雀鸟岂能陷在网罗里呢。
NASB:Every man, who had in his possession blue and purple and scarlet material and fine linen and goats' hair and rams' skins dyed red and porpoise skins, brought them. 和合本:凡有蓝色紫色朱红色线、细麻、山羊毛、染红的公羊皮、海狗皮的、都拿了来。
NASB:Festus then answered that Paul was being kept in custody at Caesarea and that he himself was about to leave shortly. 和合本:非斯都却回答说、保罗押在该撒利亚、我自己快要往那里去。
NASB:For Jeremiah had come into the dungeon, that is, the vaulted cell; and Jeremiah stayed there many days. 吕震中本:耶利米来到地牢,就进了狱室;耶利米在那里呆了许多日子。
NASB:For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. 吕震中本:因为外表上做犹太人的、并不是真的犹太人;外表上肉身上的割礼、也不是真的割礼。
NASB:For the land of my people in which thorns and briars shall come up; Yea, for all the joyful houses and for the jubilant city. 吕震中本:为我人民的土地、那长着荆棘和蒺藜的!为了欢跃的都市中一切娱乐的院落哀哭哦!
NASB:For thus the Lord says to me, Go, station the lookout, let him report what he sees. 和合本:主对我如此说、你去设立守望的、使他将所看见的述说。
NASB:For, behold, the wicked bend the bow, They make ready their arrow upon the string To shoot in darkness at the upright in heart. 和合本:看哪、恶人弯弓、把箭搭在弦上、要在暗中射那心里正直的人。
NASB:Gladness and joy are taken away from the fruitful field; In the vineyards also there will be no cries of joy or jubilant shouting, No treader treads out wine in the presses, For I have made the shouting to cease. 和合本:从肥美的田中、夺去了欢喜快乐.在葡萄园里、必无歌唱、也无欢呼的声音.踹酒的在酒醡中不得踹出酒来.我使他欢呼的声音止息。

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