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I ccouldn't believe a barber-surgeon like him would cure my tracheitis.

I caught that Nosey Parker reading my diary. 那个好事的家伙偷看我的日记, 让我给抓个正著.
I caught that Nosey Parker reading my diary. 那个好事的家伙偷看我的日记,让我给抓个正著.
I caught the news bulletin on the radio. 我从收音机里听到了那新闻公报。
I caught the train just in time. 我刚好来得及赶上火车。
I caught the train with only a few minutes to spare. 我赶上火车时,就只剩下几分钟了。
I ccouldn't believe a barber-surgeon like him would cure my tracheitis. 我不相信这样一个庸医可以治好我的气管炎。
I certainly am. May I help you? 我是,我能帮您什么忙吗?
I certainly couldn't boast of my own interviewing skills before I wrote the book. 在写这本书之前,我自己的面试技巧也不值得吹嘘。
I certainly couldn't stop at a farmhouse and ask to use their bathroom! 我当然不会冲入农户要求用他们家的方便一下。
I certainly didn't intend to cause you so much inconvenience. 我真得不想给你带来这么多不便.
I certainly hope so! The Arcane Brotherhood is probably less-than- pleased with me, and I need a fat purse to get far out of their reach! 我真的这样希望!奥术兄弟会很可能已经对我想当不满了,而我需要有一个大钱包使自己远离他们的魔掌!

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