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Although the security forces are also suffering from the country's economic disintegration, key units such as the presidential guard receive special treatment.

Although the risk is higher than we would normally consider, this is a very bullish setup which has potential reward that far outweighs the risk. 虽然风险高于我们通常所考量的水平,但该股已呈现出强劲牛势,其潜在回报足以补偿相关风险。
Although the risk to reward is only 1 : 2 we still felt that this stock should be shorted if the markets make a correction. 虽然风险/收益比只有1:2,我们仍认为在股市盘整时应对这支股票做空。
Although the room was filled with laughter, Jane Eyre still felt very lonely. 虽然房间里充满了笑声, 但是简.爱还是觉得很孤 单.
Although the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the opposition alliance of the Kuomintang and People First Party (PFP) have agreed in principle to a full recount, the two sides differ on how to proceed. 虽然执政党民进党和国亲联盟已就全面验票的原则达成共识,但对于如何进行却意见分歧。
Although the scope of permissible private speech has continued to expand in recent years, the Government continued and intensified efforts to monitor and control use of the Internet and other wireless technology, including cellular phones, pagers, and ins 尽管这些年一定范围的允许个人言论在扩大,但政府继续并加强了对因特网以及手机、呼机和短信设备之类的无线通信技术的监控。
Although the security forces are also suffering from the country's economic disintegration, key units such as the presidential guard receive special treatment. 虽然安全武装部队也饱受经济崩溃之苦,但一些关键部门,比如总统卫队,仍旧待遇优厚。
Although the senses of taste and smell appear to have deteriorated, and vision in water appears to be uncertain, such weaknesses are more than compensated for by cetaceans' well-developed acoustic sense. 虽然触觉和嗅觉已经退化,在水中的视觉也不能确定,如此微弱使更多的补偿在鲸类很好的听觉上。
Although the shares remain issued, they are no longer considered part of the total shares outstanding that are taken into account in calculating earnings per share or market capitalisation. 虽然这类股票仍算作已发行,但在计算每股收益或市值时不再算入发行在外的全部股票中。
Although the simplicity of her wardrobe has been matched by other leading female politicians - such as Margaret Thatcher, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton - Royal dresses with a degree of femininity unknown in other successful woman politicians. 虽然她简单的服饰,在其他女性政治领导人物身上,像英国前首相柴契尔夫人、美国国务卿赖斯及纽约州联邦参议员希拉蕊.柯林顿身上都可以看到,但贺雅的穿著带有一定程度的女性化,是其他成功的女性政治人物所未见。
Although the software automatically fills in the Member Name text box with your Windows log in, this is only a suggestion. 虽然软件会自动填写注册框的用户名项,不过这只是一个参考。
Although the sophistication of insurers' underwriting and risk management has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent times, the regulation of the American market—by far the world's largest, with more than $1.1 trillion of direct premiums in 2005—has staye 现在的保险业和风险管理越来越复杂,美国对其的管理市场虽然是全世界最大的,在2005年更是达到1万1千亿保险费,但是它还停滞在19世纪州政府疏忽的系统中。

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