Upon closer view, these five small areas of endometriosis have a reddish-brown to bluish appearance.
图示:更近的子宫内膜移位外观,五个子宫内膜移位病灶呈红棕色至浅蓝色外观。 |
Upon commencement of the second semester the company will immediately notify the chosen universities of their intent to apply.
在第二个学期的开始公司立刻将通知他们的意向选上的大学申请。 |
Upon completing the study by the end of 2008, EPD plans to launch a thorough public engagement process so as to finalise the new AQOs and the required long-term strategy on air quality management within 2009.
环保署计划在2008年年底完成有关研究后,展开广泛的谘询和彻底的公众参与,在2009年内制订新的空气质素指标和长远空气质素管理策略。 |
Upon completion of at least 120 credits, students who have maintained a satisfactory academic standing (an accumulative GPA of 2.0 or above) may be awarded with a Bachelor of Science in Business Degree.
在完成至少120学分后,获得良好成绩的学生(累计平均分数2.0或以上)可被授予工商管理科学士学位文凭。 |
Upon completion of the Master of Business (Logistics Management), students must select three Marketing electives, in addition to a Research Project in Marketing (to the value of 12 credit points).
完成物流管理硕士学位的学生,须具备至少一年相关工作经验才能有资格继续攻读市场营销硕士学位。 |
Upon completion of the Master of Business (Marketing), students must select three Logistics electives, in addition to a Research Project in Logistics (to the value of 12 credit points).
除了相关学术要求外,学生还须具备至少一年相关工作经验才有资格进入市场营销硕士学位。 |
Upon completion of the course, participants will have an initial understanding of the increasing vulnerabilities and risks threatening today's network environments, state-of-the-art technologies that can help to protect the network against those threats,
课程完成后,参加者将初步了解威胁今日网络环境的渐增的脆弱点和风险,能帮助您保护网络于那些威胁的科技,以及能防护网络通讯的顶尖技术。 |
Upon completion of the dictionary, it is relatively simple to translate the remaining message strings and integrate them into the desktop environment.
到词典完成时,翻译剩下的信息字符串并将它们整合到桌面环境中就比较容易。 |
Upon completion of the entrusted affair by the agent, the principal shall pay the remuneration thereto.
第四百零五条受托人完成委托事务的,委托人应当向其支付报酬。 |
Upon completion of the hired work, the hiree shall deliver the work product to the hirer and shall submit thereto the required technical materials and related quality certificate.
第二百六十一条承揽人完成工作的,应当向定作人交付工作成果,并提交必要的技术资料和有关质量证明。 |
Upon completion of these bilateral negotiations, the working party finalizes the accession terms in three documents: the working party report, the protocol of accession, and the attached schedules containing the new member's specific liberalization commit
完成双边谈判之后,工作组把申请人的入世条款在三个文件中定稿:工作组报告、议定书和申请人关于贸易自由化承诺进度表。 |