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The Geometer's Sketchpad resolved the difficult problem in inquiry learning, which is to establish the situation of student-centred learning, in the mathematics classroom.

The Geneva-based) campaign released it(its) Landmine Monitor Report 2006at the United Nations last week. 日内瓦公约组织上周在联合国发布“地雷监视报告2006”。
The Genie took Aladdin home. Aladdin showed the lamp to his mother, We can sell this and bring food with the money. 这个神怪把阿拉丁带回了家。阿拉丁把灯给他母亲看:“我们可以把灯卖了,拿钱买食物。”
The Geo-Dynamic Division Method, based on Tectonic Plate Structure Theory, takes the local geology structure as its principal research object. 摘要介绍了地质动力区划方法及其在开滦矿区的应用。
The Geodesic Dome——the House of the Future? 可测量的圆屋顶——未来的房屋?
The Geographical Information Office mainly provides Hainan Farms and Land Reclamation Area the technology information services of land surveying and transferring, the rubber plants administration and land contracting. 近年来,已完成垦区80%以上农场的土地利用现状调查;目前,正积极开展农场土地管理信息系统开发和垦区土地管理网络建设,推进垦区土地管理现代化。
The Geometer's Sketchpad resolved the difficult problem in inquiry learning, which is to establish the situation of student-centred learning, in the mathematics classroom. 摘要“几何画板”应用于中学数学课堂“探究学习”中,解决了“探究学习”的难点问题。
The George Washington Bridge, with a main span of 3500 feet, was the longest suspension bridge in the world when it opened in 1931. 乔治•华盛顿大桥横跨3,500英尺,在1931年通车时,它是世界上最长的悬索桥。
The Geotectonics of Nanling and its Environs.Journ.Central South Inst.Mining &Metallurgy 2(2)1~34 with 26 figs.,4 pls.Changsha. 初论中国的地台活化现象.中南矿冶学院学报,2(2),67~80.附插图1,图版1.长沙:节要见中国地质学会会讯;(12),100~101.北京.
The German A-team travels to Prague on March 23, and will return to Germany on March 25. 德国国家队将于3月23日启程前往布拉格,并将于3月25日返回德国。
The German Customs Union (or Zollverein) established in 1834 was the first step towards the German unification in economic field. 摘要1834年建立的德意志关税同盟在经济领域迈出了德国国家统一的第一步。
The German Dragon will find it hard to escape to its cavernous lairs, for vengeance for its treason will overtake it. 德国的龙会发现几乎不能逃脱它巨穴似的窝,为了复仇,为了它的叛逆,会赶上它。

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