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After operating from high temperature, the Shutoff must be manually reset (opened).

After only a short exposure to sunlight, he began to turn red. 他在阳光下只晒了一会儿,皮肤就变红了。
After only half hour drive we reach a holy area. 开车仅仅半小时的时间就到了一个神圣的地方。
After opening jar, store marmalade in the refrigerator. 打开后要放入冰箱冷藏保存。
After opening, fully in charge of hotel operation to earn maximum profit for owners and associate satisfaction. 开业后负责日常营运,确保经营效益最大化的同时,兼顾市场占有率、业主满意及员工满意程度。
After opens the proposal type, villagers then anxious welling up to the reading room consult books, accesses the net under the information help the inquiry from to hope obtains information. 启动议式后,村民便急切的涌向书屋查阅图书,在信息员的帮助下上网查询自已希望得到的信息。
After operating from high temperature, the Shutoff must be manually reset (opened). 在高温操作后,关闭阀必须人工重置(开启)。
After operation, urinary leakage in uretor and bladder joint happened in 1 case, Urine joint obstrasted 2 cases. 【Conclusion】 The well pre-operative preparation, idle-HLA match, punctual transplantation and significant operating were keys for successful r 结果1、3、5年人/肾存活率分别为96%、94%、93%,术后输尿管膀胱吻合口漏尿1例、输尿管坏死2例、输尿管膀胱吻合口狭窄2例。
After optimizing correlative crafts and adopting new technology, we have improved its reliability and broaden its application domain. 通过优化原有工艺与采用新技术,提高了模块的可靠性,拓宽了其应用领域。
After ordering details is emailed, you will receive a payment notice. Please pay accordingly and keep all receipts for cross check purpose. 订购资料发出后,你将会收到付款通知。请依付款通知内容付款,保留收据,以便核对之用。
After ordering your coffee, the waiter/waitress would repeat its Italian name to another one. What's your feeling for this flow of service? 在你点完咖啡,服务员都会以意大利语在重复一次你点的咖啡给另一位服务人员,这样的服务流程给你什么感受?
After our Lord had given the great command: ”Go into al the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” He again added another, His very last command: “Tarry till ye be endued with power from on high.” “Wait for the promise of the Father.” “Ye shall b 当主赐下“你们要往普天下去,传福音给万民听”的大使命之后,他再加上另外最后的命令:“你们要等候,直到领受上头来的能力”,“等候父所应许的”,“不多几日你们要受圣灵的洗”。

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