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An English system of land tenure from Anglo-Saxon times to1926 that provided for the equal division of land among all qualified heirs.

An English proerb says that time is money. 英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱。
An English professor wrote the words, Woman without her man is nothingon the blackboard and directed his students to punctuate it correctly. 一位英文教授在黑板上写下了这样一句话:“女人没有了男人就什么也不是了”。然后,教授要求他的学生加上标点符号把这句话正确写出来。
An English professor wrote the words, Woman without her man is nothing,on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly. 一个英语教授在黑板上写下,“女人没有她男人什么也不是”,要学生们正确地加上标点符号。
An English proverb says that time is money. 英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱。
An English sentence, beamed into the mind of a non-English speaker, might seem gibberish. 如果把一个英文句子投射到一个不会说英文者的脑海中,可能就是一些无法解读的讯息。
An English system of land tenure from Anglo-Saxon times to1926 that provided for the equal division of land among all qualified heirs. 财产保有权一种英国的土地保有制度,始于盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,废于1926年,即把其土地平均分配给有资格的继承人
An English teacher wrote these words on the blackboard,″Woman without her man is nothing.″ The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly. 英语老师在黑板上写了以下词汇:“女人没有她(她的)男人就什么都不是”,要求学生们给这些词汇点标点,组成一句话。
An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning the English. 一本英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。
An English-Chinese Dictionary of Electronic Measurement Instrument Technology (co-author). Beijing: Chinese Metrology Press, 1997. 英汉电子测量技术词典(副主编),中国计量出版社,1997。
An Englishman and his wife, he wearing a dreadful Panama hat and she button boots. 那天有一个英国人和他的妻子,男人戴了顶非常难看的巴拿马草帽,女人穿了双带扣长筒靴。
An Englishman is a foreigner outside the United Kingdom. 英国人出了联合王国就是外国人。

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