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In modern wars, both combatants and non-combatants are killed.

In modern times, however, trains, automobiles, trucks and airplanes are doing much of the work, which was formerly done by ships and boats. 不过昔日大部分的船运任务现已由火车、汽车、卡车和飞机来承担。
In modern times, millions of people from all over the world have visited the ancient monument. 现在数以百万计的来自全世界各国的人来参观这个古代的遗迹。
In modern times, people have communicated by letter, telegraph, and telephone. 在现代,人们用信,传真,电话通信。
In modern times, the El Ni?o phenomenon and other anomalies in the North Pacific occasionally have steered weather patterns far enough to trigger surprise droughts, such as the one responsible for the U.S. dust bowl of the 1930s. 近代,圣婴现象与北太平洋的其他反常现象,曾三番两次牵动天气模式,达到足以引发意外乾旱的程度,其中的一次导致了1930年代美国的沙尘暴。
In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers. 在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。
In modern wars, both combatants and non-combatants are killed. 现代战争中,战斗人员与非战斗人员都可能死亡。
In mods like ACE, which (realistically) do not allow for the pilot/crew to bail out with a parachute, the only way to survive an engine failure is to get on the ground as quickly as possible without killing yourself and everyone else in the process. 在真实性条件下,比如ACE插件中,飞行员/机组成员是不能从直升机上跳伞的,要想在发动机失效后生还,唯一的办法就是尽快降落并避免人员伤亡。
In moist season, millipede would in vade your home from downcomer and green belt around home.Swarm millipedes would let you feel thrillingness. 在潮湿的季节,千足虫会从下水道和绿化地带向您的工作、生活空间侵入,成群成片的数量会使您感到毛骨悚然。
In moments of crisis, the bank is rudely press-ganged[5] into the fund's rescue missions. 危机时刻,世界银行被强行“抓了当差”帮助基金组织实施援助工作。
In moments of great frustration, wild elephants will do all of these things, but as a group, putting their heads together, they decided that man would learn best from a kinder message. 当野象们遇到挫折时,他们可能会去做这样的事情,但是作为一个群体,当它们聚首议论的时候,它们决定传达一个和善的消息,能让人类从中受益的消息。
In more and more countries, women started having fewer children than the number required to keep populations stable. 在越来越多的国家,女人生育的孩子数量已经无法维持人口的稳定。

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