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Viral ambush period, majority of the person body which infects is been all well, looks like the health.

Violinist Jeanne Lamon has devoted herself to the performance of Baroque and Classical music on period instruments since 1972, both as a soloist and -- since 1981 -- as musical director of the Canadian-based chamber orchestra Tafelmusik. 小提琴家珍妮·拉蒙从1972年开始开始投入到用仿古乐器演奏巴洛克和古典音乐之中;1981年她成为加拿大室内乐团-塔菲尔室内乐团的音乐指导;自此开始扮演小提琴家和音乐指导的双重身份。
Viper corrupts the user's chi to achieve a toxic effect in an opponent, but if applied incorrectly it is more dangerous to the attacker. 蝮蛇式以发招者将自己的气腐败为剧毒施与对手,但若使用不当,对发招者自身的危险更大。
Viper is a privately owned company whose principals have been in the business of developing, manufacturing and distributing basic floor maintenance equipment for decades. 威霸公司是一家私营公司,数十年来公司主营地面保养(养护)设备的开发、生产和销售。
Vipers( adders) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison, which is known as haemolytic. 蝰蛇(小蝰蛇)和响尾蛇产生血毒液,这种毒液叫溶血素。
Viral Blips: Benign or Portent of Bad Things to Come? 病毒信号:坏事情到来的征兆?
Viral ambush period, majority of the person body which infects is been all well, looks like the health. 病毒潜伏期间,大部分受感染的人身体都无恙,看来健康。
Viral encephalitis, stroke and Alzheimer's disease are among the neurological insults responsible for the most profound impairments. 病毒性脑炎、中风及阿兹海默症,是所有神经系统病变中最会造成这类伤害的疾病。
Viral hepatitis A rarely leads to signficant necrosis, but hepatitis B can result in a fulminant hepatitis with extensive necrosis. 甲肝很少引起显著的坏死,但乙肝能够导致广泛肝细胞坏死的爆发型肝炎。
Viral hepatitis leads to liver cell destruction. 病毒性肝炎导致肝细胞破坏。
Viral video is the term used to describe clips that gain huge popularity after being posted on the Internet, spreading like viruses through emails, blogs and instant messages. 「病毒影带」是形容影带的片段贴上网际网路上后,获得极大的点阅率,犹如病毒似地在电子邮件和简讯中广为流传。
Virg You refuse to share the box of chocolates you receive -- what if someone fingers them? What if someone sneezes on your roses? 处女座:拒绝跟别人分享你收到的巧克力。有人拿手指拨弄怎么办?有人对着你的玫瑰打了个喷嚏怎么办?

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