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There is an incentive to collude with other suppliers to boost prices, just as two prisoners have good reason to keep mum about their crime.

There is an implicit consensus that nobody should lose face and that each party should get their share of the gifts and operating funds. 这里存在着一个潜在的统一:没有人会丢面子,一方获得礼物,一方获得营运资金。
There is an important corollary to the skill of the invisible hand in guiding economic activity: When the government prevents prices from adjusting naturally to supply and demand, it impedes the invisible hand's ability to coordinate the millions of house 关于看不见的手在指引经济活动中的技巧有一个重要推论:当政府阻止价格根据供求自发地调整时,它就限制了看不见的手协调组成经济的千百万家庭和企业的能力。
There is an important distinction between this specification which describes the requirements for certification/registration and/or self-declaration of an organization′s environmental management system and a non-certifiable guideline intended to provide g 本规範说明了组织之环境管理系统于验证/登录与(或)自行宣告时所根据的要求,与仅提供组织实施或改进环境管理系统之一般性协助的、非验证使用的指导纲要有著重要的区别。
There is an important message for you from your brother. 你哥哥有个重要的消息要告诉你。
There is an important role for the e-currency industry to play in providing an operating platform to the Internet world that the banking world can and will only dream about. 对于网银产业来说,这是一个重要的任务,怎么来运作一个和互联网沟通的操作平台,这也是银行业的梦想。
There is an incentive to collude with other suppliers to boost prices, just as two prisoners have good reason to keep mum about their crime. 与其他供应商一起哄抬价格的动机,就像2个囚徒在他们的罪行方面都闭口不言。
There is an increasing demand for computer engineers. 市场对电脑工程师的需求不断增加。
There is an increasing interest in using twin-screw extruders to texturize vegetable proteins into fibrous meat analogs under high moisture (40%~80%) conditions. 摘要目前,人们越来越关注利用双螺旋挤压机,在高湿度条件(水分含量40%~80%)下,把植物蛋白制成高纤维化的仿肉制品。
There is an indescribable something in the Chinese person which, in spite of their want of habits of cleanliness and refinement, in spite of their many defects of mind and character, makes foreigners like them as foreigners like no other people. 尽管中国人卫生习惯欠佳,举止也不够斯文;尽管中国人在心理和性格上有许多不尽如人意之处,但他们身上有种难以言表的品质,较之其他民族更令外国人欢欣。
There is an inert management team in our company. 我们公司的管理阶层死气沉沉。
There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。

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