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Much to our surprise when the plankton entered the oyster tried very hard to expel the plankton. Within3-5 minutes, the movement of the heart became very abnormal and the oyster died at once.

Much to my vexation , I just missed a chance of visiting China. 错过一个访问中国的机会,真气人。
Much to my vexation I just missed a chance of good profit. 令我大为苦恼的是,我失去了一个获利的好机会。
Much to my vexation, I just missed a chance of visiting China. 错过一个访问中国的机会,真气人。
Much to our annoyance,he failed to keep his appointment. 他失约了,我们都非常恼火。
Much to our chagrin, you've done it again. 令我们遗憾的是,你又这么做了。
Much to our surprise when the plankton entered the oyster tried very hard to expel the plankton. Within3-5 minutes, the movement of the heart became very abnormal and the oyster died at once. 意想不到的是当浮游生物进入蚌体时,珠蚌的排异性非常强,3到5分钟之内,蚌的心脏运动异常并很快死亡。
Much to the amazement of his friends and relatives, the young man gave up his secure future, stepped out his comfort zone and rejoined the “rat race. 这位年轻人放弃了稳定的未来,跳出自己的舒适圈,重返激烈的竞争,这使他的亲友们都惊叹不已。
Much to the puzzlement of his wife, his children, his boss, and his neighbors, he chases his dreams, gives rein to his fantasies, tries—with more ingenuousness than skill—to lessen his burden and that of those around him. 他追寻他的梦想,为了减轻身上的负担,他用他的直率,而不是世故的方法,来压制他的幻想和尝试,他的举动另他的妻子,孩子,老板和邻居都大惑不解。
Much to their surprise, scientists have found that less sunlight has been reaching the earth's surface in recent decades. 令一些科学家相当意外的是,他们发现抵达地表的阳光在最近数十年间变弱了。
Much traditional rural religious practice can still be discerned beneath Christian interpretation, nevertheless, and survives in practices like Halloween observances, corn dollies and other harvest rituals, the myths of Puck, woodwoses, luckyand unluckypl 然而,很多传统的乡村宗教实践在基督教诠释之下仍然可以洞悉到,仍然保持着传统,比如万圣节的庆祝,玉米洋娃娃和其他的收割典礼,还有精灵的神话,森林野狼,“幸运”与“不幸”的植物和动物等诸如此类。
Much vegetable is good for your health. 多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。

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