Sensorium: A class of Transmutations. Superhuman powers of sensation, from the perception of auras to clairvoyant observations of distant places and people.
感术:嬗变术的一类。超乎常人的感知力,如感受特殊气息,或观察遥远目标的千里眼等。 |
Sensorium: Superhuman powers of sensation, from the perception of auras to clairvoyant observations of distant places and people.
感术:超凡的感知之法,如感知灵气和千里眼等。 |
Sensors detect premature movement and a jump start earns a driver a penalty.
传感器会测定抢先行为,而车手一旦抢跑就会受到处罚。 |
Sensors in your car tuned to radio signals from orbiting satellites can locate your car precisely at any moment and warn of traffic jams.
你汽车上与绕轨道运行的卫星发出的无线电信号调谐的传感器能随时精确地确定你汽车的方位,并告知交通阻塞情况。 |
Sensors measure the light pattern and turn it into electrical signals.
感应器将对这个图样进行测量并转化为电信号。 |
Sensors of both low and high fields could also find uses in medical devices.
医疗装置也会用到低磁场及高磁场感测器。 |
Sensors were fitted to the knee and ankle joints of lower-limb amputees.
下肢截肢者则在其膝关节和踝关节设有传感器。 |
Sensual and gracious movements intertwine with sudden and threatening ones.
肉体上和亲切的运动用突然并且威胁的东西缠结。 |
Sensual gratification or indulgence.
(感官的)享乐感官的满足或沉溺 |
Sensuality is important when buying a car or a house.
在买车或买房子时,感受是很重要的。 |
Sent in my resignation, I left from the medical department I've worked for about two years, longing for the Master Degree and Doctor Degree on campus in the near future.
我辞职了,带着对再度回到大学校园攻读硕士、博士的憧憬,离开了我工作了2年多的医院。 |