Waldo went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.
沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。 |
Wales is in the southwest of the British Island.
威尔士在大不列颠岛的西南部。 |
Wales lies in the southwest of Britain while Northern Ireland lies in the north of Ireland.
汤姆是英国人。他是个土生土长的北爱尔兰人。 |
Wales lies on the west of England .
威尔士位于英格兰的西面。 |
Wales lies on the west of England.
威尔士在英格兰的西部。 |
Wales were trounced 5-0 by Poland.
威尔士队让波兰队以5比0打得一败涂地. |
Wales will step up their game against us and we have to make sure we are on top of our game.
我们必须确定我们有好的状态和紧密的团结来对抗威尔士,因为这将是一场硬战。 |
Wales' website caught a lot of women's attention all over the world.
威尔斯的寻爱行动吸引了世界各地的女性。 |
Walk along Park Avenue.
沿着帕克大街走。 |
Walk along the path, a beautiful pond with gooses and ducks suddenly pop out.
顺著步道而下,眼前赫然出现一座美丽的池塘,只见鹅、鸭在水里悠游,真是惬意极了! |
Walk along the river and passed by the Statue of Liberty standing in the middle of Seine river.
矗立在塞纳河中央的一个小岛上的自由女神像。 |