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It will also prove a handicap in dealing with environmentalism, another emerging threat to the business.

It will also be another chance for Alonso to celebrate his recent home win in the Spanish Grand Prix. 虽然他的对手不会有在蒙特卡罗时那么多,但这次公开的活动无疑会吸引无数的人群观看。
It will also continue to convert, through administrative measures, existing uni-sessional/bi-sessional schools into whole-day operation. 政府亦会继续采取行政措施,把现有的半日制/上下午班制小学转为全日制小学。
It will also draw attention to the infrastructure of Chinese schools, restaurants, bookshops, health centres and places of worship created by the 80,000-strong Chinese community. 该机构还将吸引有关方面对人口逾8万的中国人社区的基础设施的关注,这些设施包括中文学校、餐馆、书店、健康中心和宗教场所。
It will also make sure that the document or file itself doesn't contain hidden code that could harm your system when run. 它还将确保把文件或文件本身不含有隐藏的代码,可能会伤害你的系统运行的时候.
It will also offer undiscovered young leaders a support system under which they can flourish, a network to mentors and a community of motivated people striving for a common goals. 这个活动也提供尚未被发掘的青年领袖们一个协助发展兴盛的支援系统、一个相互砥砺的网络,以及一个为共同目标奋斗的社群团体。
It will also prove a handicap in dealing with environmentalism, another emerging threat to the business. 对埃克森发展的另一个潜在威胁是环保。
It will also pull out fluid, right through the membrane of the inner ear. 耳烛还可平衡耳内压力,功效可分为身体和情绪两方面。
It will also require that we make the Executive Director position an attractive one to the top-flight talent we want. 另一所需是要将行政总裁的职位设计得相当具吸引力,以吸引我们想要的第一流人才。
It will also sell goods from other businesses supported by the International Finance Corporation. Suppliers must guarantee that their goods are produced without child labor or environmental harm. 该商店也销售由国际金融公司支持的其它商贸的产品。供应商必须保证其产品的生产环节不涉及雇佣童工或破坏环境。
It will also serve as another form of continuous professional development for school principals. 本研讨会也将成为校长专业持续发展的其中一个模式。
It will also support clinical trials of diet strategies. 它也将支持节食减肥的临床试验。

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