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So many great nobles, things, administrations, so many high chieftains, so many brave nations, so many proud princes, and power so splendid; In a moment, a twinkling, all utterly ended.

So many cool people in China…they even come up with stuff like this! 中国的牛人真多啊这东西都造的出来!
So many countries ,so many customs. 异国不同俗。
So many countries, so many customs. 各国风俗,各有不同。
So many courses this semester. 这学期课真多。
So many doors are open to us! 有如此之多的机会之门在我们面前敞开。
So many great nobles, things, administrations, so many high chieftains, so many brave nations, so many proud princes, and power so splendid; In a moment, a twinkling, all utterly ended. 无数伟大的贵族、事物和政府,无数尊贵的酋长,无数勇敢的民族,无数高傲的王子,无数辉煌的强权,都转瞬即逝,终究归于尘土。
So many guests invite as here are writ. 这单子上有名字的,都是要去邀请的客人。
So many languages can he speak that he should have no problem traveling around the world. 他会说这么多种语言,因此环游世界毫无问题。
So many matters been happened this morning, which made me confused and disoriented. 今天上午发生了那么多事,真搞得我晕头转向。
So many of them can not enter the professions for which they are trained. 大多数的他们不能进入他们被训练的职业。
So many people add it on later and it seems like it doesn't belong with the site. 这样一来,很多人会添加它,并且,这看上去并不属于该站点。

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