This Train is being out of service, Passengers please leave the train now, Thank You.
本班列车停止服务,乘客请尽快离开车厢,谢谢合作。 |
This Treasure Hunt is organized as part of the MERDEKA celebration as Malaysia is celebrating our country's 49th Independent day!
这项寻宝赛事是为了配合庆祝国庆日的活动之一,今天就是我国马来西亚独立49周年的纪念日。 |
This Treaty shall not apply to hologram marks and to marks not consisting of visible signs, in particular, sound marks and olfactory marks.
本条约不适用于全息商标和不含视觉标志的商标,尤其是音响商标和嗅觉商标。 |
This Trust Instrument is made by (name, address) (hereinafter referred to as “the consignee”) in (date).
本信托声明书于19___年___月___日由___(姓名,地址)(以下简称“受托人”)作出。 |
This U.N. building and these workers are old.
这个联合国大厦和这些工作者是旧的了。 |
This USGS survey missed the chemicals of perhaps greatest concern: antibiotics.
USGS的调查中,少了一项可能最让人关切的化学物质:抗生素。 |
This Ultimate Consciousness is beginningless, immutable, devoid of any material quality O Arjuna; although situated within the body it never does anything nor is it influenced.
根本意识是无始的,永恒不变的,没有任何物质品性。阿诸那啊,尽管它存在于肉体之中,却永远不做任何事,也不受任何事物的影响。 |
This Union (or Yoga) is achieved through the subjugation of the psychic nature, and the restraint of the chitta (or mind).
瑜珈总体而言是修持者通过抑制精神服从于自然而令意识转换。 |
This United Earth Federation offers stability to troubled worlds.
这个地球联邦给混乱的世界带来了稳定。 |
This VB code will create the spiral of Archimedes according to various settings (StepInterval, Incremental, Base, MaxOrbits &Zoom).
这段VB代码可以根据各种设置(步长,增量,基值,最大值,缩放比例)来绘制阿基米德螺旋线。 |
This VCD can be returned for repair under warranty.
VCD在保修期间可以退回维修。 |