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President Bush is defending plans to close some U.S. military bases, saying the savings will help refocus forces on fighting terrorism.

President Bush is choosing 【the Lieutenant General】 【Douglas Lute】 to be the nation's War 【Czar】. 布什总统任命道格拉斯.卢特中将为战场总指挥。
President Bush is criticizing a Federal Court ruling that calls his wireless wiretapping program unconstitutional. 布什总统是在批评联邦法院裁决,称他的无线窃听是违反宪法的。
President Bush is criticizing a federal court ruling that calls his warrantless wiretapping program unconstitutional. 一联邦法院称布什总统的窃听装置方案是不正当的,布什总统称该判决是违反宪法。
President Bush is cutting short his Texas vacation and will return to Washington today to oversee relief efforts. 布什总统缩短了在德克萨斯州的休假,星期三返回华盛顿监管救灾努力。
President Bush is defending his decision to commute a 30-month prison sentence for Lewis ScooterLibby. 总统布什正为自己的决定辩护,他提出对已被判决30个月监禁的刘易斯·利比减刑。
President Bush is defending plans to close some U.S. military bases, saying the savings will help refocus forces on fighting terrorism. 布什总统为关闭一些美军军事基地的计划进行辩护。
President Bush is expected to embark on a round of telephone diplomacy this week. 本周,布什总统可能会展开一轮电话外交。
President Bush is hitting the campaign trail Sunday in support of Republican candidates in Nebraska and Kansas. 周日,总统布什出发去内布拉斯加州和肯萨斯州参加竞选以支持共和党候选人。
President Bush is hosting Putin at his family's compound there. 布什总统在家设宴招待了普京。
President Bush is in Mexico, the last stop on his five-nation Latin American tour. 美国总统布什抵达墨西哥,这是他拉美五国之行的最后一站。
President Bush is meeting with top advisors at Camp David to plan the future of the war in Iraq. 布什总统在戴维营会见了他的高级顾问以规划伊拉克战争的未来。

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