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In 1957 they had racked up their first big score with Frisbees, light plastic saucers which could be skimmed slowly through the air from one thrower to another.

In 1955, he was cast as the lead character in Rebel Without a Cause, the first drama to take a serious look at the growing problem of teen angst6. 1955年,他担任了影片《无因的反叛》的主角,该片是审视年轻人狂躁不安这类成长问题的第一部作品。
In 1955, severe flooding in the Northeast claimed some 200 lives . 1955年,东北遭受了严重的洪水泛滥,有200人遇难!
In 1955,it's a little hard to come by. 16在1955年,想得到它确实有一点困难。
In 1956, Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in a World Series to date as the New York Yankees beat the Brooklyn Dodgers, 2-0. 1956年的今天,唐?拉尔森在世界联赛中投掷出迄今为止唯一的完美一球,使得纽约人以2:0击败了布鲁克林人。
In 1956, the Celtics used a territorial pick to select Tom Heinsohnfrom Holy Cross Mass. 1956年,凯尔特人队使用区域选秀权选中了来自马塞诸塞州圣十字的汤姆·海因索恩。
In 1957 they had racked up their first big score with Frisbees, light plastic saucers which could be skimmed slowly through the air from one thrower to another. 他们第一次赚大钱是在1957年制造弗里兹比。弗里兹比是一种轻巧的塑料盘,一个人扔给另一个人时,它会在空中慢慢飘滑过去。
In 1957, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus called out the National Guard to prevent nine black students from entering Central High School in Little Rock. 1957年,阿肯色州州长奥福·福布斯为防止9个黑人学生进入小石镇中央高中而出动了国民卫队。
In 1957, Kissinger was hired as the politics lecturer in Harvard and he got concentrated on the study of international politics issues. 1957年,基辛格被聘为哈佛大学政治讲师,更加潜心研究国际政治问题。
In 1957, the United States conducted its first underground nuclear test, in the Nevada desert. 1957年的今天,美国在内华达州的沙漠下进行了第一次地下核试验。
In 1957, the musical West Side Storyopened on Broadway. 1957年的这一天,音乐剧“曼哈顿西区故事”在百老汇公映.
In 1958 Burl lves appeared in the western movie, The Big Country. 1958年,伯尔·艾夫斯出现在西部电影《锦绣大地》中。

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