The survivor was determined to wreaked her revenge on the murderer of her family.
这位幸存者决心要报复杀害她家人的凶手。 |
The survivors fared little better, as it caused their hair and nails to fall out.
生还者也好不了多少,会引发头发和指甲脱落。 |
The survivors have closed plants, sold property and, after protracted deliberation, barely tiptoed into developing markets.
幸存的企业关闭了厂房,出售了资产,并在长时间深虑之后,如履薄冰地进入发展中国家的市场。 |
The survivors of the December 7th, 1941 attack have reunited at Pearl Harbor every five years since the 25th anniversary in 1966.
自1966年的25周年纪念日以来,1941年12月7号偷袭事件的幸存者每5年聚会一次。 |
The survivors of the Invasion have been exploring them in hopes of discovering hidden caches or others that have fallen beneath the notice of the demons.
幸难者们一直在寻找着希望,他们发现了一些可以藏身的密室和可以躲在恶魔噪音之下的地方。 |
The survivors suffered many privations before they were rescued.
那些生还者在获救以前备尝艰辛. |
The survivors will have to [b][i][u]make do[/u][/i][/b] on sharply reduced revenue, while seeking ways around the U.S. ban and building up their business in Asia.
幸存业者必须在收入骤减下勉强经营,同时寻找美国禁令下的生存之道以及在亚洲扩展生意。 |
The survivors will have to make do on sharply reduced revenue, while seeking ways around the U.S. ban and building up their business in Asia.
幸存业者必须在收入骤减下勉强经营,同时寻找美国禁令下的生存之道以及在亚洲扩展生意。 |
The susceptibility to cadmium can vary greatly between aquatic organisms.
被镉感染的可能性,水栖动物之间有很大的差异。 |
The susceptipibilities of chardonnay and Fuluoxi to P.viticola are the highest; Beite and SV6059 are slightly susceptible; Cabernet Franc, huabei264 and Xiafulani are moderately susceptible.
其中,贝特和SV6059属低感品种,感病较重的品种有霞多丽、伏罗西,而华北264、夏夫拉尼、品丽珠感病性中等。 |
The suspect cracked under questioning.
嫌疑分子在审问之下招供了。 |