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My scalp began to prickle as I realized the horrible truth.
我了解到了那令人恐惧的事实, 顿时感到不寒而栗.

My samples all rely on what amounts to a kernel-mode DLL named GENERIC.SYS. 我的实例全都依赖一个相当于一个内核模式动态连接库的叫做GENERIC.SYS的(文件)。
My savings account draws 5 per cent interest. 我存款的利息是百分之五。
My savings account draws5 per cent interest. 我的储蓄存款有五厘利息。
My savings account is low. 我的存款几乎用完了
My savings amount to $2000. 我的储蓄共达2000美元。
My scalp began to prickle as I realized the horrible truth. 我了解到了那令人恐惧的事实, 顿时感到不寒而栗.
My schedule is tight today. (今天我的日程安排得很紧。)
My school bag is red and blue. I carry it on my back./over my shoulder/with my hand. 我的书包是红色和蓝色的,我把它背在我的背上/挎在肩上/提在手上。
My school established the prize, the loan, the attendance, Jan, hasmade upand the green channelfunds the system for the main bodylinkage, separately referred to the scholarship, the loan study gold(country assists students loan and school wife study loan) 我校建立了“奖、贷、勤、简、补”和“绿色通道”为主体的联动资助体系,分别指“奖学金、贷学金(国家助学贷款和校内助学贷款)、勤工助学、学费减免、困难补助和新生入学绿色通道”。
My school had a 'no boom-box' policy and teachers would take them off you if you did bring one. 我的学校有一条“不许带便携式立体声录放机”的规定。如果你带了,老师就会没收掉。
My school has an excellent music program. 我们学校有很棒的音乐节目。

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