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The snake bit the farmer's wife.

The snail obtruded its horns. 蜗牛伸出牠的触角。
The snail retreated into its shell. 蜗牛缩进壳里去了.
The snail said: The express can lead you there. 蜗牛说:“快递员可以帮你带路。”
The snail was more and more tired, and he thought: Alas! Mother was quite right. The desert is a horrible place. It makes me exhausted. 蜗牛越来越累,他想:“唉!妈妈说得没错,沙漠真是可怕的地方,它弄得我筋疲力尽了。”
The snake bit me, releasing its deadly venom into my bloodstream. 蛇咬我并把它致命的毒液释放进我的血管内。
The snake bit the farmer's wife. 蛇咬了农民的妻子。
The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket. 耍蛇人小心翼翼地伸手去摸他筐子里的那条蛇。
The snake climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. 那条蛇爬出了箱子并藏在了盘子的下面.
The snake coiled itself around the tree. 蛇盘绕在树上。
The snake itself has not the same wit, because I lately saw a black snake in the woods trying to swallow the garter snake, and he had made some headway, though the little snake was fighting every inch of the ground, hooking his tail about sticks and bushe 束带蛇自己就没有这么聪明了,因为此后我在森林里看到条黑蛇,正在吞食一条束带蛇,而且已经快要给吞掉了,尽管小蛇做了殊死挣扎,把尾巴勾在树枝上和灌木上,拼命向后缩,显然已经无济于事。
The snake sheds its skin regularly. 蛇到时候会蜕皮.

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