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The furniture in the room was placed askew.

The furious obscure curer is curious to secure the curly-curved mercury curiosity. 盛怒的不出名治疗者渴望弄到这种带卷曲曲线的水银珍品。
The furnace can alternatively be supplied with a back exhaust when waste gas contact on charge material must be avoided. 当必须避免废气与装料接触时,这种炉子需更换一个后式烟囱。
The furnace has the advantages of high mechanization, low failure, convenient operation, and high efficiency &energy-saving, no-pollution etc. 该炉具有机械化程度高,故障率低,操作方便,高效节能,无污染等优点。
The furnace in the picture is a blast, literally. A blast furnace increases combustion with a blast of air. 照片中的炉子是一阵货真价实的鼓风炉。鼓风炉利用气流来增进氧化作用。
The furnace shape is specific. The rotary kiln can get good agitation. 炉型独特,炉本体采用旋转式,搅拌及燃烧效果佳。
The furniture in the room was placed askew. 屋子里的家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。
The furniture is made of plywood covered in teak veneer. 这家具是用贴柚木薄片的合板做成的。
The furniture realized 900 at the sale. 拍卖这家具获900英镑.
The furniture should be of smooth, hard material not liable to warp or corrode. 家具应使用光滑、坚硬、不易变形和腐蚀的材料制作。
The furniture won't all fit in that way so I'm afraid it's back to the drawing-board. 那样摆设的话,这套家具就不能全放进去,因此我想只好重新再来。
The furry creatures made their home near the airport. 这些兔子在机场附近做窝。

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