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If the girl who is pitched on also is inclined to the young fellow, they may drop into love River and step into church together getting married ultimately.

If the gauge itself is accurate, its indicating numerical value cannot represent the actual data of the measured medium, because error existing in measure system is not equal to the gauge error. 如果只是仪表本身准确,其示值并不能完全代表被测介质的实际参数,因为测量系统的误差并不等于仪表的误差。
If the gene for oxytocin is knocked out of a mouse before birth, that mouse will become a social amnesiac and have no memory of the other mice it meets. 但与草原田鼠相反,家鼠决不会学习把性与某个特定的雌性个体关联起来。
If the general representative or the chief representative does not hold at least an associate degree, he/she shall have at least ten years of work experience in the insurance industry. 总代表和首席代表不具备大学专科以上学历的,应当具备10年以上保险从业经历。
If the girl is in love with the boy, she will just wave her whip in the air. 若姑娘有情于彼,即使追上,鞭子也只是高高摇晃,并不真打。
If the girl who is pitched on also is inclined to the young fellow, they mate just but always, and they may drop into love River and step into church together getting married ultimately. 如果被选中的姑娘也对小伙子有意的话,他们便可一直配对,而且最终他们会坠入爱河并一起步入教堂结婚。
If the girl who is pitched on also is inclined to the young fellow, they may drop into love River and step into church together getting married ultimately. 如果被选中的姑娘也对小伙子有意的话,最终他们会坠入爱河并一起步入教堂结婚。
If the globe gets warmer, we'll turn up the air-conditioning. (We invented air-conditioning.) We'll drive faster in our gigantic, air-conditioned cars to the new beaches that our marine geologists create. 如果地球变暖,我们就打开空调。(我们发明了空调嘛!)我们会驾驶着我们有空调的巨无霸到我们海洋地质学家造出的新的海滨去消暑,凉快凉快。
If the goat shelter has a metal roof, it should be painted white to reflect heat from the sun .There should be plenty of fresh air inside the shelter. 如果山羊的蔽身处有金属顶,应该将这个顶漆成白色反射太阳热量。这个蔽身处还该通风良好。
If the goat shelter has a metal roof, it should be painted white to reflect heat from the sun. 如果山羊住的地方有金属屋顶,则应该把屋顶刷成白色来反射太阳发射的热量。
If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend, but don't break! 若事情变得棘手,而你处于极限点,表现出你的韧性,就像竹子那样,弯下,但不要断。
If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend, but don't break. 假如生活艰难,以至于你正处在崩溃的边缘,那么就拿出你的韧性来,像那片竹林一样弯曲顺应而不是折断崩溃。

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