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Foster RE,Lowder CY,Meisler DM,et al.Extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in uveitis patients[J].Ophthalmology,1992,99 (9):1234.

Fossiles, shuch as Radiolaria etc. , were collected from the strata assigned previously to the Carboniferous in the area of Danzhou-Tunchang in central Hainan, Now the age of the strata has been determined to be Early-Mid Permian which divided into two pa 摘要在海南岛中部檐州-屯昌地区前人划归石炭系地层中采获放射虫等古生物化石,新厘定出一套二叠系地层。
Fossilization is defined as (in second and foreign language teaching)a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language. 语言石化现象指在第二语言和外语教学中,一个时不时会出现的过程,在这个过程中,不正确的语言特征成为了一个人说或写一门语言的方式的一个不变的部分。
Fossils from a real-life sea monster—a massive crocodile-like species—have been unearthed in Patagonia, Argentina. The animal likely measured 13 feet (4 meters) long from nose to tail. 这是真实存在过的海洋怪兽--貌似鳄鱼的巨型物种--它的化石在阿根廷的巴塔哥尼亚出土.这种动物从鼻子到尾巴可能有13英尺长(4米左右).
Fossils give us tangible evidence that dinosaurs really existed. 化石给了我们恐龙确实存在的确切证据。
Fossils of the most primitive primate ever discovered have been unearthed near Yellowstone National Park, a find that scientists say could redraw humans' family tree. 讫今最为古老的灵长类动物化石在黄石国家公园附近出土,这将改写人类生命树图谱.
Foster RE,Lowder CY,Meisler DM,et al.Extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in uveitis patients[J].Ophthalmology,1992,99 (9):1234. 毕宏生,董卫红,王兴荣,等.小瞳孔白内障摘除人工晶体植入联合瞳孔成形术[J].中国实用眼科杂志,2003,21(6):470-471.
Foster parents; foster grandparents; a foster home. 养父母;寄养的祖父母;寄养的家庭
Foster's is the most recognizable Australian brand name in the world. 在世界范围内,富仕达是记忆度最深的澳大利亚品牌之一。
Fostering a competitive rural financial market is the basic goals of deepening Chinese rural finance reform. 摘要培育竞争性的农村金融市场是我国农村金融进一步深化改革的基本方向。
Fostering alternative households is one strategy to break away from the status-quo ideology. 而在居住经验上发展非父权家庭之另类家户形式亦是对抗父权家庭意识形态之实践。
Fosters improved product &process quality. 养育改进的产品&过程质量。

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