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Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly.

Thus, the best streamlined position without any propulsive force is undesirable. 因此,即便是最好的流线型位置但如果没有任何的推进力就是不可取的。
Thus, the big bang was not an explosion in space; it was more like an explosion of space. 因此,大霹雳不能说是一种空间中的爆炸;它比较像是空间本身的爆炸。
Thus, the compensation principle should be introduced, that is, the benign party compensates the other party's interests, seeks the co-existence of the conflicted rights and maximizes right compromise &social interests, so as to coordinate the conflicts o 因此,应引入补偿法则,由善意一方对对方利益予以补偿,实现冲突权利的共存,寻求权利的调和与社会利益的最大化,从而协调知识产权权利的冲突。
Thus, the concept of wing warping was born. 翘曲机翼的概念由此诞生。
Thus, the demands in creating the packaging itself are extremely high-each step of the process from creative design to pattern making, printing, finishing, die casting, gold and silver pressed, UV finish, and manual or machine paper mounting requires faul 故“包装物”本身要求可以说非常高,无论创意、制版、印刷、后整、压膜、烫金、烫银、过UV,模压、裱纸(手裱或机裱)......每一道工序都要求一丝不苟。
Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. 因此,儿童达到目的愿望之外,又有采用恰当方法的要求。亦即:因此儿童意识到,不仅要解决问题,还要解决得得体。
Thus, the distinction between a network and a distributed system lies with the software (especially the operating system), rather than with the hardware. 因此,网络与分布式系统之间的区别在于软件(特别是操作系统),而不是硬件。
Thus, the elective course—Internet information searching and exploiting the MSRA set for us had all ended. 至此,微软亚洲研究院(MSRA)为我校师生开设的互联网信息检索与挖掘选修课全部结束。
Thus, the elements would be interconvertible, so this idea was a precursor to alchemy. 从而,元素是可以互相转化的,这样的思想是炼金术的先驱。
Thus, the family with two boys has twice the chance of being chosen. 如果一家有两个男孩,任何一个男孩被选中的几率只有1/2。
Thus, the file system must not generate additional page faults because this may lead to an infiniterecursion. 因此,文件系统一定必要产生附加的页面错误,因为这将导致无限递归调用。

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