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We should treat people and animals with humanity.

We should train our studentstomakegooduseofreference books. 我们应该教学生利用好参考书。
We should train them to [B]make use of [/B]reference books. 我们应该在利用参考书方面对他们进行培训。
We should train them to make use of reference books. (我们应该在利用参考书方面对他们进行培训。)
We should transcend ourselves before overcoming the difficulties. 要战胜困难,首先我们要战胜自己。
We should travel by night as well as by day. 我们不但白天旅行,而且晚上也旅行。
We should treat people and animals with humanity. 我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。
We should try every means to exploit the oil underground. 我们应该使用一切办法来开发地下石油。
We should try not to light up during the Great Smokeout. 在全国戒烟日里我们应设法不抽烟。
We should try our best to abate the smoke nuisance in big cities. 我们应该尽力消除大城市中讨厌的煤烟。
We should try our best to minimize the loss. 我们必须尽力把损失减小到最低限度。
We should try our best to provide against the return of bird flu. 我们应该尽最大努力来预防禽流感的再次发生。

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