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I was about to leave,when it began to rain cats and dogs.

I was about to go to bed when there was a ring. 我正要睡觉,这时忽然听到电话铃响了。
I was about to leave home when the telephone began to ring. 我正要离开家,电话铃突然响了。
I was about to leave when Mary came. 我正要走时, 玛丽来了。
I was about to leave when he called me back. 我刚要离开,他把我叫了回来。
I was about to leave when the telephone rang. 我正要离开,这时电话铃响了。
I was about to leave,when it began to rain cats and dogs. 我正要离开。这时候下起了倾盆大雨。
I was about to leave. 我正要出门。
I was about to raise my offer for the farm when a neighbour cut the ground from under my feet by offering a sum that I couldn't possibly match. 我正准备出价买下那个农场,一个邻居出了一个我承受不起的价位,从而坏了我的事。
I was about to speak, when Mr. Smith cut in. 我正想讲,史密斯先生就插嘴了。
I was absolutely certain that I was going to plunge straight ahead, through the flimsy barrier, then down, down, down through an endless drop. 我绝望地感到自己就要向前直冲出那不堪一击的护栏,然后下坠,再下坠,坠入万丈深渊。
I was absolutely green (with envy) when I saw his splendid new car. 我看到他那辆漂亮的新汽车就非常眼红.

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