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The demands of quantum physics are themselves not easy to comprehend.

The demand was granted and the Cairo Film Festival became a competitive event. 这个要求被接纳于是开罗电影节成为了一项竞赛型的国际电影活动。
The demand was withdrawn at the meeting. 这个要求在会议上被撤消了。
The demanding movements of piaffe and passage were included and the Grand Prix test, as it is performed today, was already taking shape. 马匹原地踏步和正步都是要求动作,而大奖赛,正如今天所表演的一样,也已经开始成形。
The demands for the kiln equipment produced by our company are constantly increasing. 我公司生产的工业窑炉设备,目前在国外市场的需求正在不断增加。
The demands of macroeconomic management and the need for balanced growth both suggest the currency regime needs to change. 对宏观经济管理的需求以及均衡增长的需要同样都要求流通体制的改变。
The demands of quantum physics are themselves not easy to comprehend. 量子物理本身不是那麽容易可领会。
The demands of wartime production created a shortage of consumer goods, so many wage earners diverted much of their new affluence into savings, which would later help keep the economic boom alive in the postwar years. 战时生产需求造成消费品短缺,因此许多工薪阶层把他们新增的大部分财富转为积蓄,这将大大有助于战后经济持续繁荣。
The demands that transient energy function methods must meet for the non-autonomous motion system are also proposed, which include that the critical energy should be determined by the critical trajectory and the post-fault stable equilibrium point should 提出了暂态能量函数法用于非自治系统所必须满足的条件,包括用临界轨迹确定临界能量,以及用临界轨迹得到的切除时间确定故障清除后的稳定平衡点等。
The demarcation between the cities and the wilderness remains, separating two very different worlds. 城市和残存的荒野对峙,分成两个完全不同的世界。
The demarcation of philosophy from science was facilitated by the development in the early nineteenth century of a new notion, that philosophy's core interest should be epistemology, the general explanation of what it means to know something. 哲学从科学中分离出来,受到十九世纪早期一种新观念发展的推动,这个观念是,哲学的核心兴趣应该是认识论,即对认识事物作出一般性解释。
The dementia may follow a history of transient ischemic attacks, a succession of acute cerebrovascular accidents, or less commonly, a single major stroke. 痴呆可发生于多次短暂性脑缺血发作、连续的急性脑血管意外之后,个别情况下也可在一次严重中风之后发生。

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