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HELR draws upon environmental experts from government, academia, private practice, industry and public interest groups to cover legal developments at the local, state, federal, foreign, and international levels.

HELICON LICHTTECHNIK VERANSTALTUNGSSERVICE GMBH offer to you Show technique and Audiovisual projectors and accessories in addition also Info on Stage lighting. HELICON LICHTTECHNIK VERANSTALTUNGSSERVICE GMBH是一家现代化的、可靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事舞台照明,投影技术,展示技术的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。
HELIOCENTRIC PLANETS, March 19, 1954 -Jupiter 89 degrees 35' equals 29 degrees 35; Gemini. Saturn 214.44 equals 4 degrees 44' Scorpio. Uranus 111.52 equals 21 degrees 52' Cancer. The average of these 6 planets is 164.17 or 14 degrees 17' Virgo. 以太阳为中心的行星,1954年3月19日——木星89度35分相当于29度35分;双子座。土星214.44度相当于4度44分天蝎座。天王星111.52度相当于21度52分巨蟹座。这6个行星的平均是164.17或14度17分的室女座。
HELIOCENTRIC SATURN - 1931, April 16 to March 19, 1954, Saturn moved 287 degrees 15' which equals 17 degrees 13' Capricorn, price 8632. 围绕太阳的土星——1931年4月16日到1954年3月19日,土星移动了287度15分这等于摩羯座的17度13分,价格是8632。
HELMUT SCHRECK , HEINZ KUCHER , BERNHARD BEISCH. EF friedrichshafen AG. ZF retarder in commercial vehicles[J]. SAE Paper 922452. 马建,陈荫三,余强,郭荣庆,张庆余.缓行器在汽车下坡行驶中的应用研究[J].西安公路交通大学学报,1999,19(4):84-86.
HELPON Trebic s.r.o. - over the sales management you can receive offers and prices by telephone on Sale, socks, Manufacture in addition to Health, Certified, Quality and/or on Hoses. 是一家高级企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的成品短袜,棉花,轮胎成型、服装批量生产,卖、出售。
HELR draws upon environmental experts from government, academia, private practice, industry and public interest groups to cover legal developments at the local, state, federal, foreign, and international levels. 该刊物从政府、学术界、私人公司、公共利益团体等机构聘请环境专家,对地方、国家、联邦、国外、国际的环境法发展进行评论。
HELR publishes articles on a broad range of environmental affairs, such as land use; air, water, and noise regulation; toxic substances control; radiation control; energy use; workspace pollution; science and technology control; and resource use and regul 评论文章的范围涉及各种环境事件,包括土地利用;空气、水和噪声控制;有害物质控制;放射性控制;能源利用;工业污染;科学技术发展;资源利用。
HELSINKI (Reuters) - The world's largest mobile phone maker Nokia launched a new mass-market camera phone on Monday, part of its drive to claw back market share from hungry rivals. 世界最大的手机生产商诺基亚昨天推出了一种新的供主流市场的摄像手机,希望能从其他虎视眈眈的对手手里重夺失去的市场份额。
HELSINKI (Reuters) —One of Finland's richest men has been fined a record 170,000 euros (1,785,000 yuan) for speeding through the center of the capital, police said on Tuesday. 赫尔辛基:一芬兰富翁因超速驶过首都市中心而被罚的款额为创记录的17万欧元(约178.5万元人民币),警方于周二宣布了此事。
HEMANGIOSARCOMA - Malignant tumor that arises from the blood vessels of the liver. 血管肉瘤——发生于肝脏血管的恶性肿瘤。
HEMOCHROMATOSIS - A genetic disorder involving increased absorption of iron by the gastrointestinal tract and deposition in the liver resulting ultimately in cirrhosis and liver failure. 血色沉着病——一种遗传性病症引起胃肠道吸收铁增多,沉积在肝脏,导致最终肝硬化或肝衰竭。

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