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Glaxo a ured her that the new viruses. Though drug-resistant, a eared to be relatively benign..She said.

Glassner cites a study in which Swedish and Thai women were fed a Thai dish that the Swedes found overly spicy. 格拉斯纳在书中引用了这样一项研究:“面对同一道泰国菜,参与试验的瑞典妇女都觉得味道太辣,而喜欢这道菜的泰国妇女则从中吸收到更多的铁。
Glassware, perfectly for restaurant scene or home environment. 三只玻璃杯,非常适合作为餐馆或者居家环境里的道具。
Glauber insisted on retaining his sweeping duties for the 16th annual ceremony this year, despite becoming a Nobel physics laureate last year. 其实格劳伯去年已经荣获诺贝尔物理奖,今年却还坚持为第十六届搞笑诺贝尔奖扫地。
Glaucoma can be ery destructie to your ision; in fact, it's the second-leading cause of blindness in the United States. 青光眼可以严重损害人的视力。事实上在美国,青光眼也是致盲的第二大因素。
Glaucoma treatment (for any form) entails decreasing aqueous humor production, increasing fluid drainage or a combination of the two. These treatments will not restore any ision already lost to glaucoma. 青光眼的治疗侧重于抑制房水的产生和促进房水的吸收或者两者结合。因此这些方法不能恢复青光眼已经造成的视力减退。
Glaxo a ured her that the new viruses. Though drug-resistant, a eared to be relatively benign..She said. 葛兰素安慰她说,新病毒虽然耐药,但似乎没有太大危险。
Glaxo aims to establish itself as a major player in the oncology market, which is growing by 20 per cent annually. 葛兰素的目标是在年增长率为20%的肿瘤药物市场中扮演主要的角色。
Glaxo and senior FDA officials said other evidence conflicted with that finding. 葛兰素史克与FDA资深官员则声称另外的证据与此发现相左。
Glaxo shares rose 5.2 percent in extended U.S. trading to $52 from their close of $49.43 on the New York Stock Exchange. 葛兰素史克股票在美国延长交易时段上涨了5.2%,从纽约证券交易所收盘价$49.43上涨到$52。
Glaxo's is one of several pre-pandemic vaccines that governments are starting to stockpile and industry analysts say could be a $1 billion-plus sales opportunity for firms. 葛兰素的是未流行的几种病毒之一,政府开始库存,行业分析家称对于公司有1亿美圆以上的销售机会。
Glaxo, in fact, is promoting Avandia to regain lost ground. 事实上,葛兰素史克正在积极挽回失去的市场。

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