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He was also a target for Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Barcelona.

He was already in the habit of reading widely in his boyhood. 他童年时就养成了广泛阅读的习惯。
He was already lining up sponsors and team members for the next race. 他已经找好了新的赞助者和队员,开始准备下一场竞赛。
He was also a Right Wing, he was a master, I was coolie. 他也是“右派”,他当大工,我当小工。
He was also a member of the Sacred Heart School Board of Trustees. 他也是一位宗教精神学校保管委员会委员。
He was also a stoppage time substitute in the last match away to Newcastle. 在联赛最后一场对纽卡斯尔的比赛中他也在补时阶段替补上场。
He was also a target for Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Barcelona. 他也曾是曼联,拜仁和巴萨的目标。
He was also accused of racism in some of Tintin's earlier adventures. 他也曾因为早期《丁丁历险记》中的一些情节被指控有种族歧视。
He was also angry with the three friends, because they had found no way to refute Job, and yet had condemned him. 3他又向约伯的三个朋友发怒。因为他们想不出回答的话来,仍以约伯为有罪。
He was also deeply suspicious of British intentions towards the European project, because Winston Churchill once told him that he would always choose the open sea over Europe. 他还深深怀疑英国对欧洲计划另有所图,因为温斯顿·丘吉尔曾告诉他,相比欧洲,公海永远是自己更向往的选择。
He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair according to government records and Herrmann's own testimony. 根据政府报告和他自己的证词,他和反伊朗事件有着直接联系。
He was also kitting out his office with a working fireplace and a tank full of tropical fish. 他还给自己的办公室布置一个工作壁炉以及一个装满热带鱼的水池。

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