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But when the Rockets get a last chance at them this season, they will at least get it with a measure of momentum.

But when the Barbarians began to threaten Rome, the garrisons were called back from the frontier that they might defend the home country and Britannia was left without a goverment and without protection. 但蛮族人开始威胁罗马时,英格兰驻防军被从边疆找了回去以保卫本土,于是不列颠就有没有了政府,也没有了保护。
But when the Buddhist meditators, Buddhist mystics, met the Taoist mystics they immediately could understand each other heart to heart, not mind to mind. 但是,当佛教静心者、神秘家与道教神秘家相会时,他们能立即达成心对心的理解,而不是头脑对头脑的理解。
But when the King and Queen were killed and a Reign of Terror filled the streets of Paris with innocent blood, Washington and others like him recoiled in horror. 但是当法国国王和王后被杀,恐怖统治弥漫巴黎街头使许多无辜的人丧生之时,华盛顿和与他想法接近的人却由欢喜转为惊恐地退缩。
But when the Lord has completed all His work on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem, He says, I will punish the fruit of the king of Assyria's haughtiness of heart and the glory of his haughty eyes. 12但主在锡安山和耶路撒冷成就祂一切工作的时候,祂说,我必罚亚述王自大之心的果子,和他高傲眼目的荣耀。
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons. 24但法利赛人听见,就说,这个人赶鬼,无非是靠着鬼王别西卜啊。
But when the Rockets get a last chance at them this season, they will at least get it with a measure of momentum. 但当火箭本赛季最后一次迎战黄蜂的比赛中,火箭有足够的勇气来赢得比赛.
But when the Watergate scandal broke in the early 1970's, Washington felt it was too politically risky to continue to push for mind control centers. 但当在70年代早期水门丑闻爆发时,华盛顿感到如果继续推动精神控制中心的发展,讲会有很大的政治风险。
But when the automobile was invented and people began to travel by car, motels were created to accommodate people driving from one place to another and who needed a place to stay for a night or two. 但是当汽车被发明时,人们开始用小汽车旅行,就设立了汽车旅馆,方便那些开车从一个地方到另一个地方且需要地方留宿一两个晚上的人们。
But when the bill appeared in danger of being defeated at the second reading, Mr Tsang said his party would support it so it could go on to the final stage of the legislative process. 但当杀局草案在二读阶段出现票数不足而遭否决的危机时,民建联主席曾钰成转轪,令杀局草案得以进入最后表决阶段。
But when the bits are big, the detailed propagation characteristics of each channel make no difference. 但如果位元长度大,各频道详细的播送特性并不会造成差异。
But when the brethren learned of it they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus. 徒9:30弟兄们知道了就送他下该撒利亚、打发他往大数去。

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