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The patterns are used to make correct and repid classification and recognition of 340 simulated spilled oil samples of diesel fuel, gasoline and lube oil with their volumetric fraction of seawater greater than 4:10000, which provides scientific basis for

The pattern of the roof deck panels should be set out in accordance with the design of the finish mosaic tile layout in order to minimize clashes between the open joint lines and the mosaic tile joint lines. 为减小开放接口和马赛克瓷砖接缝的冲突,楼顶盖板面板的图案应按照完工的马赛克瓷砖的布局来进行安排。
The pattern on the hologram can project hundreds or thousands of beams that can be moved forward, back, sideways, up or down or can twist the light in a corkscrew trajectory that creates a vortex. 雷射全像术的图案可以投射出成千上百道光束,并且能够让光束前后左右上下任意移动,甚至扭曲成螺旋形轨迹,制造出漩涡。
The pattern representing that font is augmented to include any properties found in the pattern but not found in the font itself; this permits the application to pass rendering instructions or any other data through the matching system. 如果需求样式的性质中有字型本身所没有的性质,这些额外的性质会被保留住;这允许应用程序通知画字程序另外的指示或数据,不因修改及比对而被干扰。
The pattern used was that of God's very Being: spirit, mind, individuality; cause, action, effect. 所采用的形式是上帝存在的形式:灵、心灵、个性;原因、行动、结果。
The patterns are quite simple. 都是一些简单的图案。
The patterns are used to make correct and repid classification and recognition of 340 simulated spilled oil samples of diesel fuel, gasoline and lube oil with their volumetric fraction of seawater greater than 4:10000, which provides scientific basis for 采用比模型对柴油、汽油和润滑油等334个与海水体积分数≥4:10000的模拟溢油样品进行了准确快速的分类和识别,为近红外光谱技术判别实际溢油样品提供了科学依据。
The patterns covering the face of the rectangular block also represent a previously unknown ancient writing system — a rare find in archaeology. 布于矩形石板的图案,显示了一种以前未知的古老文字系统——一个罕见的考古学发现。
The patterns of bumps and indentations evolved by chance. 凹凸痕式样是意外地演化出来的。
The patterns of family life have been changed for recent years. 近几年家庭生活的模式都变了。
The patterns of industrial cluster are mainly: axis-wheeled, poly-nuclear, netted industrial cluster and so on. 产业集群的模式有轴轮式产业集群、多核式产业集群、网状式产业集群等。
The patterns of who they are - and their duality in creating our reality - is self-evident as you study and compare each creational story. 他们的模式——还有他们的二元性在创造着我们的实相——当你研究和比较了每一个创世神话之后,就会发觉这是不言而喻的。

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