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This rear view of the same company shows the air recognition flags carried on the stowage bins, and Feifel air cleaner on the rear hulls.

This realization provided a big incentive for paleontologists to get out in the field and find fossils older than the Cambrian. 这项体认刺激了古生物学家走入田野,寻找比寒武纪更古老的化石。
This really adds good value to the alt mode and slightly makes up for the awkward aesthetics. 这样就增加了变身形态可玩性,给它笨拙的形态做了些补偿。
This really is a unique profession in that it doesn't seem biased toward any class or role. 这的确是一个与众不同的商业技能并不针对某几个职业进行强化。
This really is something worth celebrating, a milestone, a historical step. 这真是一件值得祝贺的事情,是一个里程碑式的事件,是历史的进步。
This really isn't my day. HQ, give me the shortest route to their location. 今天真的不是我的日子,HQ,给我最短路线到达他们的位置。
This rear view of the same company shows the air recognition flags carried on the stowage bins, and Feifel air cleaner on the rear hulls. 从后面观看帝国师第8连的虎式坦克显示了盖在储藏箱上用于空中识别的国旗,及尾部的引擎过滤器。
This reason is the topic of your email. 这就是邮件的主题。
This reason selected of place is: The building is highly skilled , can be rated as the model of the contemporary craft ; The artistic achievement is outstanding , especially the mural painting in the grave, reflect the superb artistic level; Civilization 该处入选理由是:建筑技艺精湛,堪称同时代工艺的典范;艺术成就突出,特别是墓葬中的壁画,体现了高超的艺术水准;文明内涵富有特色,众多珍贵文物都反映了高句丽时期独具特色的文明。
This reasoning, though plausible, is incorrect. 这个推理看似合理,却是错误的。
This rebellion is most effective in small clumps of dark matter, where gravity is too weak to contain the stellar spatter. 这样的反馈在小型聚集的暗物质中作用最明显,因为重力不足以留住喷出的物质。
This rebound seems to reflect growing confidence that the Chinese economy will avoid a hard landing. 这一反弹似乎表明市场信心在增长,认为中国经济将避免硬着陆。

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