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Biomechanically study has shown the fixed rigidity of the former significantly superior to the latter, hut the constrained plates may stress shield to grate hones at fixed sites.

Biology: The science of life and of living organisms, in-cluding their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions. 生物学生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支。
Biomarker has a wide application in the research of petroleum geology, such as different types of organics thermal evolution, ancient sediments' environment and so on. 摘要生物标志化合物在石油地质中应用广泛,可应用于源岩有机质类型和古沉积环境评价以及热演化阶段的确定等。
Biomass The weight or volume of living organisms of one particular species per unit area (species biomass), or of all the species in the community (community biomass). 生物量:单位面积内某个特定物种中所有生物体的重量或体积(物种生物量),或群落中所有物种的重量或体积(群落生物量)。
Biomass exhibits complex hierarchical cellular structures due to the long-term evolution and development. 摘要经过长期进化,生物质已经形成了复杂的分级胞状结构。
Biomass of Chinese fir plantations in Fujian Province and its allocation among leaf, branch, stem and roots were studied based on the published biomass data. 摘要通过收集福建省杉木林生物量数据,对福建省杉木林生物量及其分配规律进行分析,结果表明,杉木林生物量随年龄增长呈逐渐增加趋势,并以幕方程拟合的效果最好。
Biomechanically study has shown the fixed rigidity of the former significantly superior to the latter, hut the constrained plates may stress shield to grate hones at fixed sites. 手术指征:主要为颈椎前柱损伤或颈椎后部骨与韧带复合体的损伤。
Biomedical Informatics Research Network, is integrating body-scan data from various sources to allow comparative studies of brain images from many databases. 研究者可望在多个资料库所提供的脑部影像之间,进行比对与研究。
Biomedical sensor is a key component to the modem medical instrument, which can convert physiological value to electrical signal. 摘要生物医学传感器是将医学生理参数转换成电学量的装置,是构成现代医学仪器设备必不可少的关键部件。
Biomedicine Industry Becomes New Economic Growth Point. 生物医药产业成为新的经济增长点。
Biometric access, as the process is called, might have a Big Brother feeling, but it is expected to speed customer checkout and cut identity fraud. 这种技术被称为生物统计学接口技术,它也许会给人一种侵犯个人隐私的感觉,但人们期望它能加快顾客结账的速度,并防止利用假身份进行欺诈。
Biometric finger-scanning machines have been installed at six venues in Yeovil, southwest England. 生物辨识指纹扫描仪器已经被安装在了约维尔镇的6家酒吧或俱乐部内。

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