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The results were followed: Supplemental niacin had no significant effect on the rectal temperature andrespiratory rate (P>0. 0).
果表明: 添加Vc可以降低奶牛直肠温度、呼吸频率,但未达显著水平(P>0.0); 添加Vc对奶牛产奶量和乳成分无显著影响(P>0.0);

The results suggested that: T-type cytoplasm fertility restoring genes and the hybrid chlorosis gene Ch were not discovered in the Chinese white wheat complex, Tibet semi-wild wheats, Yunnan hulled wheats, T. 果表明:中国白麦子类型、西藏半野生小麦、云南铁壳麦、圆锥小麦(矮兰麦)一节节麦人工合成双二倍体以及中国圆锥小麦等类型中未发现T型育性恢复基因和杂种黄化基因Ch; 在斯卑尔脱小麦杜哈米林类型和野生二粒小麦中发现有T型育性恢复基因的存在,但是不存在杂种黄化基因Ch。
The results was that single viscus trauma occurred in 7.9% ( / ) , and splenic rupture was above all the trauma. 单一脏器损伤占7.9%( / ),脾破裂居各脏器损伤之首.
The results were mg/kg 、 mg/kg、 8mg/kg、 8mg/kg、 mgAg, respectively, when the eggs in faecal were negative. 号场在 mg/kg时虫卵减少率和虫卵转阴率分别8.0%、7%,mg/kg以上时虫卵转阴率和虫卵减少率均为00%;
The results were as follows: rates of matured oocytes of toxicity groups both, with or without CB pre-treatment were lower than control group (P<0.0), but there was no difference between them(P>0.0). 试验结果表明毒性检验中CB处理组和未处理组卵母细胞的成熟率都显著低于对照组(P<0.0),但相互之间差异不显著;
The results were as follows: There were tree species along the streets, and the number of six kinds of street trees amount to 8.%, the total biodiversity index was 0.9; 果表明: 遵义城区行道树共有 种,其中桂花、女贞、杨树、广玉兰、悬铃木、柑橘等个树种株数占总数的8.%,总树种多样性指数为0.9;
The results were followed: Supplemental niacin had no significant effect on the rectal temperature andrespiratory rate (P>0. 0). 果表明: 添加Vc可以降低奶牛直肠温度、呼吸频率,但未达显著水平(P>0.0); 添加Vc对奶牛产奶量和乳成分无显著影响(P>0.0);
The results were that the occurrences of white line on finger prints for Hui was 9.0 %(male:7.09%, female:0.8%) and for Han was 7.%(male:.%, female:8.9%). 果表明:宁夏回族指纹白线出现率为:9 0 %(男:7 09%,女:0 8%); 汉族为:7 %(男: %,女:8 9%)。
The resultsshowed that the mean times for the previously gravid uterine horn(PGUH),previouslynon-gravid uterine horn(PNGUH)and cervix of the normal cows in both the breeds were . ±.,8.0± ., 8. ±.0(Jersey)and .±., 0.8±.9,and 7.±.0(Friesian),respectively. 果表明,两个品种正常牛子宫孕角、空角和子宫颈复旧的平均时间分别为 . ±.,8.0± ., 8. ±.0(娟珊牛)和 .±., 0.8±.9和 7.±.0(黑白花牛)。
The retain time and incidence of angitis was selected as indicators for comparison. Results There were significant difference in retain time and incidence of angitis in the two group ( P <0.0). 果两组通过前瞻性临床观察分析对比证实 (留管时间比较 χ = ,P <0 0 0 ,静脉炎发生率比较 χ = 7 9,P <0 0 0 )差异有显著意义。
The retinae of old cats ( years, - . kg) and young cats (- years,-. kg) were selected. 取老年猫 (龄 , ~ kg)和青年猫 (~ 龄 ,~ kg)各 只的视网膜 ,经 %多聚甲醛处理后 ,用H .
The retinae of old cats( years,.- kg) and young adult cats(- years,-. kg) were collected. 取老年猫(龄,.~ kg)和青年猫(~ 龄,~. kg)各只的视网膜,经%多聚甲醛处理后用H.

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